Additional or alternate names:
- Showtime (earlier MSPA credit)
By Malcolm Brown
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Cover art by Homestuck
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Sburban Jungle (Brief Mix)
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Released 8/9/2009.
Duration: 2:09.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Download MIDI/project files.
Read artist commentary.
Also released as:
Tracks that reference Showtime (Original Mix): Tracks that reference this one:
- From Official Discography: Tracks that reference this one — from Official Discography:
- Showtime (Piano Refrain) by Kevin Regamey
- Showtime (Imp Strife Mix) by Buzinkai and Curt Blakeslee
- Skaian Dreams (Remix) by Bill Bolin
- Heirfare by Alex Rosetti
- Skaian Ride by Andrew Huo and Seth Peelle
- Land of the Salamanders by David Ko
- Descend by Toby Fox
- I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Michael Guy Bowman
- Lifdoff by Malcolm Brown
- John Sleeps / Skaian Magicant by Toby Fox
- Do You Remem8er Me by Malcolm Brown
- Unite Synchronization by Malcolm Brown
- Do The Windy Thing by Brian Schaefer
- Pipeorgankind by James Roach
- Another Jungle by Michael Guy Bowman
- Encore by Malcolm Brown
- A Taste for Adventure by Seth Peelle
- Negastrife by Erik Scheele
- Creata by Seth Peelle
- You Killed My Father (Prepare To Die) by Team Dogfight
- Ascend by Tensei
- Now I'm a Villain by David Ellis
- From Fandom: Tracks that reference this one — from Fandom:
- Showtime (Svix Mix) by Svix
- Beat the Game by Stephen Maxwell
- Throguh Song by Toby Fox
- MeGaDanceVaNia by Catboss
- Sburban Piano Doctor by Brad Griffin
- Confrontation by Andrew Huo
- The Will to Fight (Original Mix) [Denizen Strife] by Kevin Grant
- Showtime (End Strife Remix) by Plumegeist
- Fighting Spirit by Kevin Grant
- Till The Last Breath by Brenden Cameron
- Fighting Spirit ~Second Form~ by Kevin Grant
- The Four Thrones by Samm Neiland
- Electric Fireflies by Thomas Ibarra
- Spacesplore by ostrichlittledungeon
- can you give me a HAND by Pipko Fanfare
- 25x SHOWDOWN COMBO by Discfortune
- revengn by Kusoro
- you godda be kideney (endoctorine mix) by Bin
- Quantum Breakdown by ostrichlittledungeon
- doctor remix no. 720612413 by Cecily Renns
- Do You Remember the Doctor by TirantBacon and Cecily Renns
- Penumbra Phantasm By Toby Fox (Featuring "Radiation") by ostrichlittledungeon
- 『SHOWTIME』 ~~BEGIN CANH ACT 1~~ by Cecily Renns
- Showtime (Marching Band) by 413
- go down (cool and new Mix) (feat. John J "Damn, Now Those Are Some Tunes" Renns) by Cecily Renns
- Flarezzzzzzz by Shwan
- The Connection by Kusoro
- Black Showtime: Revelovania by VulkanShawl
- Sburban Ascension by Cecily Renns
- Crystal Meth The Queen by Shwan
- o by MrCheeze
- Show-Sburb-Setter by Shwan
- Reveloshowtime: Waking up the radiation by VulkanShawl
- Showup by Nicholas Nakano
- Strife Mayhem by Musical Panini
- Jhon killed Santa by GoomFloops
- dikr; bring togehter by ostrichlittledungeon
- Enter with Caliborn: Destruction Adventure by Interrobang
- Creata (Cool and New Synth Mix) by cookiefonster
- 72.0x SHOWDOWN COMBO by Discfortune
- Eternity Served Medium-Well, Avec Crème de Champignons (A.K.A. Eternity Served Spicy) by Noisemaker
- 7 GRAND END by Discfortune, koba, SplitSuns, Minish, TirantBacon, StarlightCalliope, Wheals, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, MoreEpicThanYou747, Isoleucine, ostrichlittledungeon, Noisemaker, Rom M, Cecily Renns, cookiefonster, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron, ft-rj, and Interrobang
- Bendalass by NodaToyama
- Cognize by Cecily Renns
- Infection by Difarem
- Plague by Cecily Renns
- TRAIN MELDEY (next-to-last station) by Difarem
- $H☯W✝IM€-420-( ´ ▽ ` )ノ by Jamie Paige
- you have got to be SHITTONG me (temp title) by Noisemaker
- ShOwOteim by Shwan
- You Killed the Econony (Prepare to Die) by Nicholas Nakano
- One and a Half Midnight by Kusoro
- The Sin and the Salvation by psithurist
- Skaian Rebirth by Kris Flacke
- ~~Disc 1~~ by apatheticPianist
- 8r8k the 8ottle by apatheticPianist and Pascal van den Bos
- Cue the Curtains by apatheticPianist and Pascal van den Bos
- Apexhalation by Malcolm Brown
- Secondhand Memories by Grace Medley
- The Puppet Master by SplitSuns
- Fighting Chance by Cerulean
- the wheel boss by Kusoro
- Fireflies and Clockwork by apatheticPianist
- Showtime (Panini Mix) by Musical Panini
- Showtime Musenet Remix by MrCheeze
- Wild Battle by Twix Stix
- Choices by Rainy
- A Future Worth Stealing by Rainy
- Fight For the Future by Rainy
- Break a Leg by Bin
- Untitled by Unknown Artist
- Confined by Tee-vee
- Motif Mixture (Piano Improv) by cctv
- [04/13/09] Today is this young man's birthday. by Maukustus
- Artifact of Confection by Maukustus
- A Wild Fiduspawn Appeared! by Funk McLovin
- Shire Strife by Alex Rosetti
- GALACTIC INCOHERENCE ~ Cosmic NaN Propagation by Cosmoptera
- [11/11/11] What do you suppose the name on the envelopes will be? by Maukustus
- Dirge by Circlejourney
- Homestuck 15th Anniversary Medley by tsundereCat [TC]
- The Twilight Reverie (Extended Mix) by Maukustus
- Fraymotif Fighters (Title Theme) by Funk McLovin
- That's What I'm Class'spectin' (Character Select) by Guffy
- Out of Breath by Raid
- I Warned You About Stairs!!!!!!!! by Raid
- Father's Riddles by Tristone
- From Additional Tracks: Tracks that reference this one — from Additional Tracks:
Tracks that sample Showtime (Original Mix): Tracks that sample this one:
Flashes & games that feature Showtime (Original Mix): Flashes & games that feature this track:
Download MIDI/project files:
MIDI by IronInvoker47
MIDI by MrCheeze
- Showtime (Original Mix) - MrCheeze.mid (25.9 kB)
MIDI by Twix Stix (from Sburbmon)
Artist commentary:
Malcolm Brown: (via early commentary collection)
Probably the first bit of music accepted for HS (The piano version came afterwards but was used in the comic earlier). Difficult to fully recall what was going on with this one, but from what we knew about John at this point (i.e. Bit of a prankster, likes his movies) there was something about the name and the melody that just fit.
Early on in HS Music dev, Andrew would basically announce "Need boss music for upcoming battle: go!" and we'd all whip up some music and present it. These days that doesn't happen any more (larger team, ludicrous amount of already made-but-not-used music) but back then it was a fresh slate. I personally whipped up 3 30-second 'Looping boss battle music in the style of NES chiptunes' as per the original request. (I think it was Andrew's idea to start things off chiptune style and we've been evolving since)
The other 2 unused tracks (Which I still have somewhere) were ok - One was very piratey but quite sinister, the other was incredibly evil sounding, but Showtime had that initial-boss 'fun-ness' to it and apparantly just hit all the right notes.
The melody itself is very simple: It's just a square wave doing some broken chords. For the album version we were told to add some bits to the loopable tracks to make 'em 2 minutes long and have a proper ending, so the album features an intro and second part with a little solo.