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Hiveswap Act 1 OST

album cover

By James Roach hames Bandcamp jamesroachmusic SoundCloud YouTube YouTube hamesatron Twitter and Toby Fox tobyfox Bandcamp tobyfox Twitter Other fwugradiation Tumblr.
Cover art by Mallory Dyer bleaksqueak Twitter pupukachoo DeviantArt Other.
Wallpaper art by Mallory Dyer bleaksqueak Twitter pupukachoo DeviantArt Other.
Released 9/14/2017.
Duration: ~54:49.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube (full album), or YouTube (playlist).

View commentary page!

Main album: (~48:52)
  1. (0:21) Definitely Safe Forever
  2. (0:41) Snake Escape
  3. (2:50) Joey Claire, Extraordinaire
  4. (2:52) Half-Harley Manor
  5. (2:02) Relatively Visible Darkness
  6. (3:32) Bedroom for an Annoying Dog
  7. (2:11) That's How I Beat Snake
  8. (1:38) Jude Harley, Bizarrely
  9. (2:15) Table for Tooth
  10. (0:54) Final Spice
  11. (1:22) Living Legend
  12. (1:22) Singular Peril
  13. (0:57) A More Defensible Position
  14. (1:01) Open The Door
  15. (1:10) Keep Your Head Down
  16. (1:05) Oh Whoa, What's This
  17. (1:30) Some Kind of Alien
  18. (1:17) Rustblood
  19. (4:34) Filthy Nuclear Bunker
  20. (3:36) SPORTS! Personally, I Love Them.
  21. (4:08) Lofted Gunpile
  22. (1:14) SERPENT GENESIS
  23. (3:18) We Shall Go Together
  24. (0:50) Wish You Were Here
  25. (2:12) Intermission 1
B-Sides: (~5:57)
  1. (0:23) Old Steps
  2. (1:14) How it Could Have Gone
  3. (1:30) Alternate Recipe
  4. (2:00) Heavy Snaking
  5. (0:50) SPOOKTUNE

Added to wiki 11/15/2019.

Artist commentary:

Cohen Edenfield: (game director)

Hey, it's Cohen. But more interestingly, it's James and Toby, giving some commentary on the first half of the HIVESWAP: Act 1 soundtrack, available now on Bandcamp or bundled with HIVESWAP: Act 1 on Steam and Humble. We've got the first half of the discussion today, with the next half going up next Wednesday. Wait...did I say all this once before already? No. Impossible.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)