Album released 20/7/2024.
2,3 mil palabras en 18 entradas.
Fraymotif Fighters (Title Theme) Escucha en: Bandcamp
Funk McLovin: (Bandcamp about blurb)
this is based on the smash 4 theme. i love the smash themes. even though i think fraymotif fighters would be a street fighter 2 style fighting game.
That's What I'm Class'spectin' (Character Select) Escucha en: Bandcamp y SoundCloud
the title isnt any specific reference, but i wanted something along the lines of who am i expectin' or thats what im expectin' and i just shoved the class in so its like. classpect. class aspect. yknow?
i was listening to the tony hawk pro skater 3 soundtrack while at work yesterday and just went "oh i love these more down low tracks that arent like heavy rock" and thought, hey that'd be a dope kinda thing while looking at a character select menu.
also thought about the MVC2 character select theme but it ended up being not too much like it lmao
got that nice baseline, added a bit of auto wah to it, and mostly left it as the loop bc thats what a bunch of them rap tracks in thps3 are like
i have NEVER done anything with a wah guitar before. i think its a bit messy, but i both wasnt sure how to do it and didnt have much time before the deadline lmao? deadline is in a few hours as i write this and i started the track maybe 16 hours ago
it felt super empty without having a rap section in there
if i could have, i would have found someone to rap SOMETHING over the top and get some dj ass scratches in, but again deadlines. in the end i just whipped out the trusty speak & spell samples and like. counted with it.
in the back part i got it to spell out every aspect, isnt that neat?
i wanted to do more with troll themes, but i just kinda shoved a rex duodecim angelus in there by the start and end, while the middle gets showtime, aggrieve, beatdown and dissension for the kids.
the horns were the last moment thing i added, and literally add like 15 minutes onto the load time of the session?? its rough out here in pro tools land. i just wanted something to fill space because it felt empty without it, ESPECIALLY the intro.
oh yeah theres also an old vinyl sound going in the background bc there was a texture in those thps3 tracks which was missing and this seemed to give it that? it also helped with the spindown at the end lol
oh also post deadline i added an organ with some homestuck anthem or whatever
mama mia
i do see you have Homestuck Anthem
# per commentary?
its in the organ under the aspect spelling out part
its a little fucked up but its There(it could also just be Homestuck but i dont remember)
(i wrote this thing within like a 16 hour span)
KrabKlash (vs. Karkat) Escucha en: Bandcamp y SoundCloud
gr1mv4d3r: (Bandcamp about blurb)
this is basically just how I envisioned karkat’s theme (by toby fox) sounding if it was arranged into the style of a fighting game esque track. the middle section references a bit of suburban jungle (by michael guy bowman) and there’s a section after that referencing my own track chr0mat1kk from my fanventure called paradox struck. you all should read paradox struck.
Gale-Force (vs. John) Escucha en: Bandcamp y SoundCloud
originally named "jonny boy"
the characters i feel i woulda been the best at got taken like immediately
so i took the chance to do something ive wanted to for a while, emulate some kinda yoko shimomura style stuff
yoko shimomura's work has this powerful, but beautiful sounding piano, and since i'm doing stuff for John this is a good time for piano
im borrowing bits from showtime, doctor, sburban something, and harlequin in places
there was an electric guitar i had which i felt happy with in the intro but Pro Tools crashed and my backup lost a bunch of changes i had made to it i couldnt recover, so it had to say goodbye :(
i wanted to involve more stuff with solo strings but i didnt want to push it too far into rose territory. i've also been fucking around with breakbeats and stuff lately so ive had to keep that out of here too lol (edit: i didnt keep it out i had to play with them)
i got stuck with this track a lot and i feel like you can probably hear it by the way its kinda segmented around where i started playing with motifs and sections from other john-related songs but i'd like to think it works out.
also endings are HARD sometimes dude.
Guffy: (HSMusic Discord, excerpt)
yo i wrote this and im doing my best to remember whats what
- 0:00-0:10 - i dont remember if this is a direct reference oops
- 0:10-0:13 - showtime (piano refrain)
- 0:12-0:35 - doctor [the organ, the piano runs are just embellishment]
- 0:48-1:10 - ??? [NO IDEA as of this moment, going through backups to try pick it apart]
- 1:36-2:00 - harlequin
thankfully i have 150 backups, apparently
i am 80% sure i only used showtime, doctor, sburban whatever and harlequin
0:48-1:10 MIGHT be doctor but key changed and note lengths all made the same?? i truly cant tell or remember anymore
edit: no thats what i did in that post into section. idk what this shit isoh the organ part in that might be arranged from harlequin
Guffy: (HSMusic Discord, excerpt)
alright so for gale force its like
- 0:00–0:10 ??? [no reference i think? i do not Remember]
- 0:10-0:13 showtime (piano refrain)
- 0:12-0:35 doctor [the organ], showtime (piano refrain) [the end of some of the piano runs]
- 0:35-0:47 showtime (piano refrain) [i think this is the piano refrain? the original mix has different embellishments and the refrain specific phrase ending i keep quoting that the original mix doesnt have]
- 0:47–0:58 ??? [i genuinely have NO idea what this is. could be filler? could be pre-emptive chords for the next part? i have 150 backups of this track working on it and theres an ominous gap where this section was worked on]
- 0:58–1:10 harlequin [pitch changed and note length fuckery]
- 1:10–1:33 Sburban (something)
- 1:22–1:36 showtime (piano refrain) [again :)]
- 1:36–2:00 harlequin [this time quicker paced than the first tee hee]
- 2:02- ??? [this is just the intro again, but without the showtime ending]
Even in Battle (vs. Rose) Escucha en: Bandcamp y SoundCloud
Latadenata: (Bandcamp about blurb)
hey guys, latadenata here to explain the song:
(sorry in advance for potential english grammar errors!)
at first it was kind of hard for me to start writing this song, i have never really been a big fan of fighting games so I was kinda new to this “fighting game music style”, making it hard for me to picture how the song would go
one thing i knew i had to do was using those typical soundfont orchestra hits you can hear in a lot of retro videogame music to give it some intensity just as a real fight would, well i mean, i guess they’re mostly intense idk i have never been to a fight maybe i should try
the next thing for me was using the two songs i find more recognizable for rose: Even in death and Derse Dreamers
of course, derse dreamers is (allegedly) dave’s theme too, but who looks bigger on the cover art? exactly.
for both of these songs i pretty much just used their beginning melodies as the main melodies of each part because they’re recognizable and are also hard as fuck.
i mostly tried to use violins and pianos since those are the two instruments i find most fitting for rose (and also used staccato violins to emphasize intensity and raw epicness)
for the bass and the even in death main melody i used more retro-like sounds (touhou soundfont bass and a generic square layered with a soundfont piano-y thingy) since i find fighting games are usually generally thought more as 2D retro pixelart games than anything.
HADRON COLLIDER (vs. Jade) Escucha en: Bandcamp, SoundCloud y Bandcamp
METIANULL: (Bandcamp about blurb / composer's release)
Well! I like to think of this as a journey. I wanted to highlight how sometimes in homestuck it’s like you’re constantly jumping into different worlds and your scenery is rapidly changing as you try and sometimes fail to adapt. I imagined this playing in a modern-y fighting game emotional rpg weird lore moment setting. Hopefuly that makes sense to people other than me, LOL
Fun fact. This song was originally written for aranea, but jade was suggested instead. the more i listen, the more i see the jade ness of everything. That flute at the end ties the knot together for me….
Sugar Rush (vs. Jane) Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)
I was asked to write commentary for the two tracks, so here you go. I’ve always had a soft spot for Jane, so taking on the task of writing a strife theme for here was something I didn’t even need to think about. As one can probably hear, the track has heavy influence from the Kirby series. The goofy, saccharine sound of those soundtracks fit Jane’s silly personality, so I had to go for it. I initially wanted to do something more in the style of Flashygoodness but gave up lol. This song also sees me revisiting a fansong I wrote in 2018 called “Lifesaver” which was on the now delisted album Stable Timeloops and Paradoxes 2. Coming back to melodies that I wrote 6 years ago feels odd but doing really made me appreciate how far I’ve come since then.
Hopy Orders (Be JUST Be HEROIC or be DEAD) Escucha en: Bandcamp y SoundCloud
Tee-vee: (Bandcamp about blurb, excerpt)
A battle theme featuring a bunch of Dirk-centric themes. I've always loved Now I'm a Villain from Beyond Canon and it was the perfect time for me to do something using bits from this song.
I didn't have that many references or inspirations making this track, the guitars make it somewhat Daisuke Ishiwatari sounding I suppose but honestly the title I came up with afterwards is the most Guilty Gear inspired thing here actually haha. The middle section was more inspired by the more industrial tracks from Tekken games but I feel like it ended up sounding more like something between Mortal Kombat and Persona 2.
Except for the guitars, all instruments are either from the Roland Cloud JV-1080 plugin or loops from Distorted Reality, Methods of Mayhem and Dave's beat machine.
Nyantusion (vs. Roxy) Escucha en: Bandcamp
Funk McLovin: (Bandcamp about blurb)
he he roxy penis music :3333
What A Daring Hunt (vs. Jake) Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)
I knew I wanted Jake’s theme to pull influence from dramatic sounding anime and game music. When I was writing the track, it was around the time the Marvel vs Capcom collection got announced and was discovering the Marvel Super Heroes soundtrack by Yuki Iwai for the first time. Consequently, this song took heavy inspiration from Captain America’s theme with some additional influence from the Mega Man X soundtrack. Jake's the kind of dork who I could imagine running around his room singing anime openings while imagining himself in epic fights, so I wanted to channel that energy into the song. Of the two tracks I did for this album, this is handily my favorite of them.
Bloodsucker Brawl (vs. Kanaya) Escucha en: Bandcamp, SoundCloud y YouTube
Witch's Cadence: (Bandcamp about blurb / YouTube description)
This song's origin story is a bit bonkers. Just like the song itself, it's messy, it's a little rushed, and it still somehow is kinda cool. I was talking with my buddy metianull about homestuck music stuff and then the topic of sahcon came up. He mentioned that he was doing a track for it and then I said something along the lines of "Oh that's cool! I applied but I guess I didn't get in." To which metianull said "WHAT." and mentioned that he'd vouch for me next year. But then I got a little goofy, and said that if the time limit wasn't up, I'd still be down to make something for it if he asked the team leaders. Of course, what I didn't know is that the due date was MIDNIGHT THAT VERY DAY. Eventually I got in through the combination of metianull and rainy (legends, the two of them). And buckled the F*** down and started grinding. This song is the result of that, so, lmao.
It's a kanaya song, and I was recommended to do something gothic for her, so of course there's some church organs. Oh also I played a lot of guitar in this. Some of it is kinda goofy in it's execution but it's whatever. Still really happy with how it turned out even if it was a little rushed, and is kinda messy. But. . .
I'll take the few wins that I can get!!
Midnight Carnage (BOSS: Bec Noir) Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
A song dedicated Jack Noir (D.O.G. Mode)
I wanted to make a song that makes you feel cool while fighting. So the use of metal guitars + Jazz was a really good choice to evoke that feeling while also fitting into the Jack aesthetic. This is also why I didn't go with a straight version of the "BLACK" motif.
While totally cool, it is a really cheesy pick to go with the really straight forward version of the iconic melody. It needs to make you feel like ANIME IS REAL. So a song that takes that motif and "evolves" it will make you ASCEND to the sky as you wavedash into that bastard. (IDK about fighting game lingo...)
Oh, and it's also based on "Walk-Stab-Walk" because, of course it would.
(Funk said it would work with some lyrics, can someone do that pls? thanks.)
Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse (1982 Cabinet Rip) Escucha en: Bandcamp
Funk McLovin: (Bandcamp about blurb)
FUNK'S NOTE: I don't know who made this. I believe it's one of the other artists using a pseudonym. "Tokes Chum" the artist is an acronym of Homestuck. LOL
The Rainbow Maw (BOSS: Lord English) Escucha en: Bandcamp, SoundCloud, YouTube y Newgrounds
Akisephila: (Bandcamp about blurb)
he's british 💔. thats it thats the commentary. also that last sentence. but not this one. but maybe that last one. and the rest of this. also make it so it keeps going until it goes off screen. is this enough to make that happen? maybe. who knows!
One Last Strife (Credits) Escucha en: Bandcamp
|| One Last Strife (16bit) ||
One of my favorite songs ever, located on the 2021 SAHcon album, is back in a new POWERFUL 16 bit arrangement. (Huzzah!)
Since this is a fighting game album, it would be a really dumb thing to ignore my own battle theme. I decided to do what most iconic 8bit videogame songs did and evolve, now in POWERFUL 16bit (not really.) The challenge came in the form of making sure it respects the idea and vibes of the original track, a chaotic yet bombastic battle theme. So now it is even more bombastic and chaotic... Maybe I went too far this time.
I really dig this version. I do hope it becomes someone's favorite track. I do also think I'll have to reuse it somewhere, maybe. Only Time Will Tell.
Lista de pistas (1–18)