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The Doom of the Planets (Reprise)

track cover

By Circlejourney circlejourney Bandcamp circlejourney SoundCloud Circlejourney YouTube circlejourneyart Tumblr circlejourney Twitter Other machinasolis SoundCloud.
Cover art by Circlejourney circlejourney Bandcamp circlejourney SoundCloud Circlejourney YouTube circlejourneyart Tumblr circlejourney Twitter Other machinasolis SoundCloud.
Released 8/27/2017.
Duration: 3:32.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that The Doom of the Planets (Reprise) references:

Artist commentary:


This is a piano arrangement on The Doom of the Planets, an earlier track on the album. Instead of building to a grand orchestral climax, this version dwells more on a sense of foreboding and finality that surrounds the latter part of the Condesce's journey, with the Vast Glub and the extinction of the troll race soon to come.

The Condesce looks on at a new star system as her ship approaches, mirroring the contemplative mood of the track.

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