Homestuck for the Holidays - Comentario
Album released 25/12/2010.
5,2 mil palabras en 26 entradas.
Homestuck for the Holidays Homestuck for the Holidays (comentario de album) Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube (lista de reproducción)
Andrew Hussie: (MSPA news post, excerpt)
WHOA HEY. Check it out. A bunch of guys from the music team put together a sweet Christmas album at breakneck speed! It's quite great, and virtually free. They're giving all the proceeds to charity. NICE JOB DUDES.
Lexxy: (cover artist, DeviantArt)
FINALLY! The delicious fruit of my all-day drawing marathon.
The music team put together a free* holiday album as a thank-you to the MSPA community and asked if I would donate a cover illustration! It was unfortunately rushed, and is just BEGGING for me to keep working on it, but I already made them wait all day and couldn't justify continuing to be a terrible person.
I had the privilege of listening to it in advance and it is an excellent compilation. So download it and be jolly!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Homestuck and its characters belong to Andrew Hussie.
*Apparently bandcamp has limited free downloads, which have already been exceeded! Fortunately, all proceeds go to Child's Play! So the meager amount you shell out for this is for a very good cause.
Robert J! Lake: (Bandcamp download blurb)
Robert J! Lake: (Bandcamp about blurb)
Please consider donating to
Robert J! Lake: (Bandcamp credits blurb)
Robert J! Lake
Nick Smalley
Erik Scheele
Toby Fox
Alex Rosetti
Mark J. Hadley
Thomas Ferkol
James Dever
David Ko
Cover by Lexxy
Time for a Story Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
Nick: Boop! Hey, alright, so this is the commentary for this Christmas album. I'm OMGTSN.
RJ!: I am Robert J! Lake, or xFactorInfinity on the forums.
RJ!: The third person is...? The third person is...?
RJ!: The third person is Reibear, but she's not-- Yeah it is! It is you. Hanna: Is that me?
RJ!: It is you!
Hanna: I'm Reibear.
Nick: I'm doing this voice, trying to go for Jimmy Durante, but failed miserably.
RJ!: Oh my god, I don't even care.
Nick: But it's okay, because... RJ!: Best thing.
Nick: And doing the apocrypha, and a lot of... (laugh) I love that line.
RJ!: I love the way you say it.
Nick: I know. When I was recording and I was trying to say apocrypha, I said acoprypha a couple of times.
RJ!: Oh god.(Continued in A Skaian Christmas)
A Skaian Christmas Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Time for a Story)
Nick: Ooh, I like this song.
RJ!: I do too. This is A Skaian Christmas by, what's-his-face, Agent Parsec, Mark J. Hadley.
Nick: This is... who made this one again? I'm confused. RJ!: Mark Hadley.
Nick: Ah, yes, A Skaian Christmas by Agent Parsec.
RJ!: That's right. Exactly.
Nick: He's a great guy. He started out with John's theme, right?
RJ!: He did Showtime, yeah, pretty sure he did showtime. Nick: I don't remember, it's been so long. It's been about...
Nick!: Yeah, he did Showtime.
Hanna: Oh, wow.
RJ!: He did that one and Sburban Reversal. That was early on, too. Did he do Countdown? I'd have to check.
Nick: Oh, he did do that one, didn't he?
RJ!: I think so.
Nick: Yeah... only recently has he gotten back into the secret forum and started posting stuff.
RJ!: Music stuff, yeah. I think he--
Nick: No, we can't say what he's been working on, because this is for the people.
RJ!: Yeah, that's true. I was just going to...
Nick: Sorry, listeners.
RJ!: I'm sorry, guys, also.
Nick: If you were a secret member of the forum, you'd know. RJ!: It's true.
Nick: It's six in the morning. Not three in the morning. Not like that one song.
RJ!: No, it's six...
Nick: It's double that time.
RJ!: In my case, it's five o'clock in the morning.
Nick: I like what he's done with this piece. It sounds very nice.
RJ!: It's got some sleigh bells in it, you know? Those are always good. Especially on a Christmas song.
Nick: Sleigh bells are always a good thing. You can't have a Christmas song without sleigh bells.
RJ!: Really you can.
Nick: Few and far between.
RJ!: Kind of.
RJ!: So, for the people who've never gone to Homestuck ever in their lives...
Nick: Definitely an interesting piece.
RJ!: Never like listen to any Homestuck music ever.
RJ!: This-- that was a remix of a song that I actually forgot the title of.(Continued in Anthem of Rime)
Anthem of Rime Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from A Skaian Christmas)
Nick: This one is Anthem of Rime by Solatrus and I.
RJ!: Yes.
Nick: I went over there a couple days ago and he was just joking around about putting Carol of the Bells to the song.
RJ!: And it works.
Nick: It worked.
RJ!: So well. Oh my god.
Nick: He didn't know... Well, he knew what to do, but he didn't have a basic concept of it.
Nick: We just sat there and we were like, what if we did this? What if we did that?
Nick: And that's pretty much how most songs happen on the music forum, I guess.
RJ!: Yeah, pretty much, actually. Our process creatively is kind of haphazard.
Nick: What if I did this and this? That would make a great song, right?
Nick: I love the beat in this song.
RJ!: Oh my god, so much.
Nick: Solatrus and I, we thought to ourselves, we need to find a chill beat for this song.
Nick: So we were like, alright, let's find something on Freesound.
Nick: And we just looked up the word chill and it was like the first result.
Nick: We just looked at each other and laughed and put it in there.
Nick: And then it was his idea to put the industrial beat over it, which worked really well.
RJ!: It works incredibly well.
Nick: The French horn part, he was thinking of keeping that the same, but I thought, what if we put the Carol of the Bells with the French horn?
Nick: And we put it there and it worked perfectly.
Nick: Frost was made to be Carol of the Bells.
RJ!: Yep.
RJ!: I think there might be some sort of irony in the fact that Frost gets a remix out officially before its original.
RJ!: Because that's what's happening, I think.
Nick: Yeah. I found that weird.
RJ!: I don't think I can legally say much more.
Nick: Now, originally this song was called Flow.
RJ!: Flow, yeah, that's right, because it was the land of mind and flow? Brain and flow? What is it?
Nick: It was Thought and Flow.
Nick: It was Thought and Flow, that's what I meant.
Nick: Yeah. That was his main concept for it.
Nick: He was trying to come up with a cool name for it, and I just joked around and I said, how about Brainwave?
Nick: And that was a really stupid name. That's just been a joke name for it the whole time.
RJ!: Brainwave.
Nick: But now that Andrew's used it in Jade's Medium.
RJ!: Land of Frost and Frogs.
Nick: It's a friggin' cold-ass place, so he's like...
Nick: He still calls it Flow, I mean, why wouldn't he? Because it's his gog-damn song.
RJ!: His track, yeah, he has the right.
RJ!: But it's officially Frost.
Nick: I like how he ended this, he glitched the bells, which was awesome.
RJ!: Ahh, glitch glitch.
RJ!: He's been doing a lot more of that glitching lately.
Nick: Good song, great song.(Continued in Pachelbel's Gardener)
Pachelbel's Gardener Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Anthem of Rime)
RJ!: Oh god, here's one of my tracks now. I'm scared. It's fading in...
Nick: It's Pachabelle's Canon?
Nick: It's not Pachabelle, is it? Hanna: Oh, fun!
RJ!: It is, it is. Although it's... Pachabell? I want to say Pachelbel.
Hanna: Not this shit again.
Nick: Pachelbel, there we go, it's Pachelbel.
RJ!: But this is called Pachelbel's Gardener.
Nick: I'm not a fan of Canon to be honest.
RJ!: It's a Christmas standard, I think.
RJ!: You always hear this on radio stations that don't play any other classical music.
Nick: It's more like, Pachabell visits the 21st century at Christmas time.
RJ!: Anyway, essentially this was me transposing Canon in D into C major.
RJ!: And then switching it up and mashing it with The Beginning of Something Really Excellent, which is one of Jade's two themes that I wrote.
RJ!: And basically that's literally the end of the story.
Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nick: I was listening to that earlier and it's pretty good, man.
Nick: And that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Nick: All these people are making cool songs and I'm only stuck with literally 6 minutes and 12 seconds on the music team.
Nick: I should start making more songs.
RJ!: I don't know, I think that on this album though, you... you are probably the most invaluable part, most likely.
RJ!: On this album, I would say that you're probably the most invaluable part, most likely, with your intros and George the Conductor voice.
Nick: Yeah, I mean, with my George the Conductor...
Hanna: You're so valuable, you're invaluable.
RJ!: I stole this album from everybody.
RJ!: Oh man, my chair is so squeaky. You can hear that.
Nick: I'm enjoying this song.
Nick: I didn't think I heard this before the album and now I'm hearing it for the first time on the commentary.
Nick: Wow, way to go me.
RJ!: Actually, that's not your fault because a few of these songs that are on the final master got to me last minute.
RJ!: And so I think I'm the only one who's heard a few of these in the forum they are on this album right now.
RJ!: This one definitely I don't think anyone heard yet.
Nick: Yeah. The Final Master, everybody...
Nick: I don't know, this Christmas album was up for like a week and nobody paid attention to it.
RJ!: Yeah, pretty much what happened was I just offhandedly said to everyone. Nick: It's a good album I think.
RJ!: I'm like, hey, we should do a Christmas album and this was less than a week ago.
RJ!: And they're like, oh, that can't happen ever.
RJ!: And then I started pushing a bit more.
Nick: Let's do a Christmas album. They're like, "No, I've got work to do", "Christmas is soon", "I can't think of anything".
RJ!: Let's just do like four songs.
RJ!: And then I wrote the ending song.
Nick: Jit being the lazy bones decided to be the last guy.
RJ!: I did that, threw Shit, Let's Be Santa at the end and I threw that in there.
RJ!: And then from there, I think everyone just started sort of doing things on this album a bit.
RJ!: Kind of just blossomed from there.
RJ!: I'm actually really, really impossibly impressed with the team as a whole.
Nick: See, Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff really did save Christmas.
RJ!: I have to applaud the team on this one.(Continued in Carefree Perigee)
Carefree Perigee Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Pachelbel's Gardener)
Nick: Kudos to the team. Well, the team, I feel really bad for the team.
Hanna: Yay, team!
Nick: The team used to have like 20 plus people on it.
Nick: And then like they stopped posting, which made me really sad.
RJ!: I think there's a core team right now that sort of...
Hanna: There was like 30.
RJ!: I think if you look at the list of people who are allowed to access the etcetera forums, whatever thing.
RJ!: It's like maybe 30, 34.
Hanna: Well, I'm sure the list of people allowed are a lot bigger. Because when this first started up...
RJ!: That would be how I define the music team as a whole at large.
RJ!: But I think the active music team is only...
Nick: The active music team is everybody on the first page.
Nick: Anybody halfway down that page doesn't go to the forum anymore.
RJ!: I think ebag hasn't posted in six months. Perhaps.
Nick: Yeah, ebag is kind of a ghost and so is Bowman.
Nick: He shows up for a week and then doesn't show up for the rest of the year.
RJ!: Alright.
Nick: And then we had fiascos in the music team as well.
Nick: But we will leave that out of this commentary.
RJ!: Yeah, let's do that.
RJ!: So I guess no one else has heard this song either maybe except for me and Radiation.
RJ!: And it's almost over now, so good job us.
Nick: Yay, good job.
RJ!: That was Carefree Perigee?
Nick: Is it a Carefree Victory remix? RJ!: It's a Christmas time remix of-- yeah.(Continued in The More You Know)
The More You Know Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Carefree Perigee)
RJ!: (laughs)
Nick: "Christmas doesn't end with just people. Species all over the world, man".
Nick: "It's about free love, you know what I mean?"
RJ!: I have to ask--
Nick: Originally that was something I had to say.(Continued in The Squiddles Save Christmas)
The Squiddles Save Christmas Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Alex Rosetti: (composer, Tumblr)
Some artists say that when you are feeling burnt out, you should let loose and make any old thing, like scribbling, throwing paint onto a canvas, or whatever the first idea that comes to your mind is. The sloppier the better. The purpose of this is not to think too hard about your art, to be able to make "bad art" and not worry about it. You get to flex your creative muscles without the expectation of making something exemplary. The Squiddles Save Christmas is an example of this exercise, or it would be if it didn't turn out to be the best thing I ever made.
The plan was for us to make Homestuck for the Holidays in a single week. It was a fun idea, and while I wasn't initially up for it, something ended up clicking in the dark recesses of my soul and at the last possible moment I decided to tread down an evil musical path. I had been sick that week, you see, sicker than I had been in a long time. I was freezing cold, blowing chunks, and generally pretty miserable.
Also, my then-workshop was in a non-heated part of my parents' house, and composing back there was like making an expedition into the frozen tundra. But I persevered, eager to satisfy the beast within me, crying out for Squiddly fun. It started out normal enough, with a cheery tune, sleigh bells, and other cliché Christmas conventions that would suit a hypothetical children's special. The only way I could convince myself to make Christmas music was if it was Squiddles themed. It seemed like the easier thing to tackle.
I made up the lyrics as I went along. barely trying to maintain any sort of rhyme scheme and still being delirious from sickness.
"Hey everybody let's all sing
because the squiddles just bought a Christmas tree"That was as far as I got before I gave up. The squiddles hesitating to find lyrics to sing was genuine, and it went downhill from there. After that, I decided I was tired of actually trying to make music, so I copied+pasted a bunch of measures and improvised into the microphone. And thus Nog Baby was born. Nog Baby's voice is my own, and is a 100% accurate representation of how I am feeling when I am sick and miserable and want everything to die.
Of course, I got tired of that too, so I gave up and said "go get him" and pulled some clips out of the Plumbthroat Archive™, applied a tinny filter, and fucked around with the samples...."f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fucking squiddles".
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from The More You Know)
RJ!: This song that we're listening to right now wasn't originally a part of the album.
RJ!: And then Alex Rosetti, BirdBroth, AlbatrossSoup, whatever you call them, sent me this track in two days ago.
RJ!: And I needed the line, something to say, to be changed because the segue doesn't make any sense otherwise.
RJ!: So this is actually possibly my track.
Nick: Yeah, the segue was just...
Hanna: Yay, Squiddle!
RJ!: So this is The Squiddles Save Christmas.
Nick: I didn't write anything on those segues until I started talking about the Midnight Crew.
Nick: The Squiddle song is amazing.
Nick: Go buy the Squiddles album.
RJ!: Yeah, really. Nobody did.
Hanna: Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
RJ!: I love-- the "please help us" in the background!
Nick: The Squiddles album probably has the most effort put into it.
Nick: That and The Felt. The Felt deserves to be the top.
RJ!: Okay, The Felt and Squiddles have the most effort and I think Squiddles has the least recognition for that effort. Despite it.
RJ!: It's irony.
Nick: Yeah, because people don't really want to buy an album for kids.
RJ!: No, even if it's a fake kid's album.
RJ!: Nog Baby.
RJ!: So, Alex Rosetti tells me that this is their actual voice.
Nick: This song is amazing.
RJ!: That Nog Baby is not them putting on a voice, that is their actual voice.
Nick: Oh no, that is crazy.
RJ!: I know.
Nick: Oh my god.
RJ!: Although, to their credit, they were sick apparently for the two days they were recording this.
RJ!: That probably had a bit to do with it.
RJ!: I love the way he laughs in the middle of all that.
RJ!: Ah, fuck.
Nick: This song is getting scary.
RJ!: It's not as scary as some of the other Squiddle's songs in this album.
RJ!: Or the Squiddle's album itself.
Hanna: That's beautiful.(Continued in Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say)
Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from The Squiddles Save Christmas)
RJ!: Alright, this song was the original song, the one we had to change the segue for, this song wasn't the song it segues into anymore.
Nick: Yeah, I remember this being the one that I was talking about.
Nick: And then you were like, nope, BirdBroth put something in. Sucks for you.
RJ!: This is Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say by...
RJ!: Jeck. Jit. Eric Scheele, I was combining his real name and his forum tag.
RJ!: This is basically just the best thing.
Nick: Eric "Jit" Scheele.
RJ!: Eric "Jit" Scheele.
Nick: Eric "Jit" is the shit.
Nick: It's so early in the morning, I just wanna go to bed.
RJ!: I wonder when Lexxy's gonna get the album art.
Hanna: Aw, go cry some more.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
RJ!: Merry Christmas to you too, Billy the Bellsuit guy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy, you too. I love you, Billy.
RJ!: Billy's just a great guy, you know? He loves everyone.
RJ!: And then his song starts getting--
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
RJ!: Somewhere around...
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
RJ!: Yeah, I think it's this part about.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Hanna: Santa doesn't get to sleep.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy...
Nick: Billy, where'd you go?
RJ!: He's still there.
Nick: Come back, Billy.
RJ!: He's just lost in a wash of an 8-bit abyss.
Nick: Oh, that's right, he got thrown into the Minus World from Super Mario Bros.
RJ!: That's what happens when you are underwater for extended periods of time.
Nick: At least he wasn't thrown up so quickly that his face exploded.
RJ!: No, that would be bad.
RJ!: The bends.
RJ!: The 8-bit bends.
Nick: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Billy.
Nick: Hey, it's back!
RJ!: It is! And then it goes away again.
RJ!: I think this is probably easily the strangest song on this Christmas album.
Nick: Oh, definitely.
RJ!: I don't think any other song is this weird or strange.
RJ!: Jit's song is-- [unintelligible] pretty normal.
Nick: No doubt about that.
Hanna: Really?(Continued in Squiddly Night)
Squiddly Night Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say)
Nick: Squiddly Night.
Hanna: Ooh, I like this. So relaxing.
Nick: This one's adorable. I like this song.
RJ!: MightyMoose's vocals, David Ko, MightyMoose, his vocals in this song sound--
RJ!: Sounds like an organ singing. But it's the squiddles.
Nick: Sure does.
Nick: Oh yeah, that's right. MightyMoose did this song.
Nick: I forgot. You'll have to forgive me.
Hanna: Oh, it's like one of those cat organs where you put cats in it.
Nick: It's been a billion years.
Hanna: And then when you press a key, it like...
Nick: Cat piano? Is that what you're talking about, Bear? Come on. Be decent.
Hanna: Yeah, remember?
Nick: The cat piano.
Hanna: Like when you press a key, it stabs something, and then they scream.
RJ!: Okay, that's not what I was thinking at all.
Nick: Oh god.
Hanna: Like, haven't you heard of those things?
RJ!: Now it's turning into that. Oh god.
RJ!: Yeah, there's a little bit of the squiddle sleeping. Letting them sleep, etc.
Nick: I want to stab a phone completely out of context.
Nick: Funny jokes!(Continued in The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh)
The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Squiddly Night)
RJ!: Oh my god.
Hanna: All the way across the universe! Oh my gosh!
Nick: I probably should have put scripts to these segues, but I didn't.
Nick: Near the end I did, though, because I was like, I can't do anything for the others.(Continued in Land of Light and Cheer)
Land of Light and Cheer Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh)
RJ!: Okay, so wait.
Nick: The first... Land.
RJ!: You can go. Talk.
Nick: The what?
RJ!: I was going to ask if the segues that I didn't like...
Nick: No, no, no. You say first.
RJ!: Okay. If the segues that aren't written by me are written or improv'd.
RJ!: Because I couldn't tell, actually.
Nick: I don't know.
Nick: Some are written and some aren't written.
Nick: I mean, I just found ones that I didn't think were...
Nick: That I think that needed to be written, and I just wrote the ones for the ones that needed to be written.
Nick: Like the ones later in the album.
Nick: Like near the end?
RJ!: Oh yeah, like for the Midnight... Okay.
RJ!: Yeah. I see what you're saying.
Nick: Yeah, like Midnight Crew and SBAHJ.
Nick: SBAHJjio [?].
RJ!: This is why I wanted to introduce with an instrumental playing on this album.
RJ!: On an album that has an unusual amount of vocals for a Homestuck album, actually.
RJ!: It's because it's Homestuck Gaiden, that's why.
RJ!: We're off the record.
Nick: Hell yeah, Homestuck Gaiden.
Nick: Go subscribe or follow or whatever you do for that kind of stuff.
Hanna: Hey, we're past the halfway point.
RJ!: You'll probably find us on Twitter after I make a Twitter for us.
Nick: Make a Twitter then.
RJ!: Then you can tweet or twat all the way at us.
Hanna: Tweet!
Nick: You can tweet and you can Facebook and...
RJ!: We will have a Facebook page, yes.
Nick: Bandcamp?
RJ!: The Bandcamp is already set up, actually, as of this writing.
RJ!: By writing, I mean my voice talking.
Nick: Perfect.(Continued in Gog Rest Ye Merry Prospitians)
Gog Rest Ye Merry Prospitians Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Land of Light and Cheer)
RJ!: This is a very dramatic song.
Nick: Very dramatic. I think this one's the most out of place for this album.
Hanna: Yeah.
RJ!: God Rest You Merry Gentlemen, given that...
Hanna: It's just a big spectacle and the other ones are just an epic joke.
RJ!: Yeah, pretty much.
RJ!: I mean, dear God, we have this and then comparatively I wrote a song called Shit, Let's Be Santa for this album.
Nick: So that's awesome.
RJ!: This song reminds me a lot of...
RJ!: Thomas Frick? Is his last name Frickle? Whatever.
RJ!: Orpheus' songs on The Felt. It reminds me of those that he did.
Nick: Yeah, The Felt.
Nick: It has some heavy felt influence.
RJ!: Yeah. Very felty.
Nick: I felt you would say that.
RJ!: I felt you would say that, yeah-- I was going to make that, but then I didn't.
Hanna: Hurr... durr...
RJ!: You've got some hardcore piano playing there.(Continued in Carolmanthetime)
Carolmanthetime Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Gog Rest Ye Merry Prospitians)
RJ!: I'm excited, though, because Jit's song...
RJ!: Carol... what was it? Carol Man--here we go.
RJ!: This is pretty cool.
RJ!: Carolmanthetime.
Nick: I haven't heard this one yet.
RJ!: This is another one he sent me last minute.
Nick: Look at me on the music team and haven't heard most of these songs.
Hanna: Oh, fun!
Nick: I'm so cool.
RJ!: A lot, to be fair, a lot of that is because some of these were sent to me over Skype.
RJ!: And were not posted in any shape or form on the Forums before that.
Nick: Yeah, this was a Skype-based album, to be honest. RJ!: It really was!
Nick: A lot of it was sent through Skype and a lot was brainstormed through Skype as well.
Nick: If you guys want to be cool, add us on Skype.
RJ!: Yeah, really.
Nick: Mine is respectively OMGTSN.
Hanna: What?
Nick: I want people to call me and I'll say...
Hanna: Aw nobody be callin' me.
Nick: Aren't you that guy with an excellent guitar?
Nick: And they'll be like, Hell yeah, I was.
Nick: I'll even perform solos for you.
RJ!: So this is...
Nick: A very video game-y vibe.
RJ!: This is a combination of Crystamanthequins, Showtime, and Carol of the Bells.
RJ!: That Jit did.
Nick: I love it.
RJ!: Carolmanthetime.
Hanna: What's it called again?
Nick: Carolmanthetime.
RJ!: I know!
Hanna: That is one hell of a word.
Nick: There's so many remixes of Crystalanthemums, it's ridiculous.
Nick: But nobody outside the music forum knows that.
RJ!: Well, now they do. You just gave that away.
RJ!: But they probably won't ever hear it, sadly.
Nick: It's all good.
RJ!: Maybe they will, who knows.
Nick: They won't care.
Nick: This is commentary for an album that nobody's gonna listen to anyway.
RJ!: This is true, nobody's listening to this commentary.
RJ!: People who are listening to this commentary,
RJ!: Turn off and listen to the actual album, because this is...
RJ!: This is a commentary we're doing at 5...
RJ!: For my time, 5:23 in the morning.
Nick: If you're listening to this right now, switch to disc 2.
Hanna: What made you think this thing was a good idea?
RJ!: Flip side A. Oh, side B.
RJ!: Continue listening.
RJ!: No, this was... I wanted to do an audio commentary.
Nick: Side A has the real songs.
Nick: Side B is the commentary.
Nick: Please flip if you think it's side B.
RJ!: I wanted to do this commentary for people who want to know why we're all angry at-- [ironically unintelligible].
Hanna: Yeah if you're listening to this right now [unintelligible] one. It's Christmas morning right now.
RJ!: I wanted to do this commentary, I was pretty...
Nick: We did this commentary because it's 6 in the morning, we were bored, and you wanted to do the commentary.
RJ!: It's 6 in the morning, in my time it's 5:24 in the morning, and...
RJ!: That's my fault, because 3 hours ago I thought this album was going to be done,
RJ!: and then the commentary was sounding like a much better idea,
RJ!: but then 3 hours ago the album wasn't done,
RJ!: because my computer slowed down, thanks to Audacity and a bunch of other things.
RJ!: I can always blame technological failure for these things.
Nick: Rest in peace, RJ's computer.
Nick: Great song.
RJ!: Now the album fully mastered, and everything's good.
Hanna: This goddamn computer...
RJ!: It's done in time for Christmas.
RJ!: Making it happen.
Hanna: Where doing this man...(Continued in Candlelight)
Candlelight Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
I ruined this song with my voice
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Carolmanthetime)
Nick: This one's Candles, right?
RJ!: No, this is another one that wasn't shown in full until now.
Nick: I can't remember.
RJ!: And this is also me.
Nick: Goddamn, I asked if this was Crystals and nobody responded.
Nick: I meant Candles. I'm so tired...
RJ!: Oh, yeah, this is Candlelight.
RJ!: Candlelight is the final title.
Nick: But that's besides the point. Don't mind me.
Hanna: Oh... I like this one. I like all of them.
RJ!: The problem is, Nick, that your voice keeps fizzling out because of Skype.
Nick: Yeah, yours is too.
Nick: Skype is a great program if you want to do something collectively, you know?
Nick: Because it's for talking, you know?
Nick: What people do in real life.
RJ!: It's a good thing that we're recording this individually.
RJ!: Because otherwise, I don't know what we'd do.
Nick: Yeah.
Nick: Because then I could get me talking over you in real time.
RJ!: Yeah, pretty much.
Hanna: Oh, yeah.
RJ!: It sounds like it.
RJ!: They don't know that. They don't know that.
Nick: Get that marker out of my face. It's gonna...
RJ!: They don't know that.
RJ!: They have the full experience.
Nick: Rest in peace, realism.
Hanna: IRL.
RJ!: You got those bells there.
RJ!: Oh, God.
RJ!: Yeah, I'm singing on this track.
RJ!: Just skip over this now. Skip over this now!
Nick: I'm gonna read this magazine while I'm reading and-- this magazine.
Hanna: Oh God!
RJ!: And then not listen to my song. Because it has me singing.
RJ!: Badly.
Hanna: No!
Nick: It's okay.
Nick: Don't worry about it.
Nick: Oh Man! You could get $5 off "Splinter Cell: Double Agent" at Best Buy.
Nick: Take this coupon out.
RJ!: Alright, singing is over.
Nick: Dude, tell me about it.
Nick: Oh, snap!
Nick: You can even save up to $300 a year with the new way to phone from Vonage.
Nick: I should probably not be saying these.
Nick: Company names.
RJ!: Sadly, I already have a new way to Vonage.
RJ!: Oh, God. I forgot.
RJ!: This song is bullshit.
RJ!: Why did I do this?
Nick: Blah, blah.
RJ!: That's a heavy song.
RJ!: Heavy, heavy sigh there, hearing that.
RJ!: I don't like hearing my own voice.
RJ!: It's a wonder why...
Nick: You know what this song needed?
Nick: A little bit of Nick Smalley on guitar.
RJ!: I can't hear you. You died again. Voice.
RJ!: There we go.(Continued in Oh, No! It's the Midnight Crew!)
Oh, No! It's the Midnight Crew! Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Candlelight)
Nick: I made the music for this background of the segues.
Nick: I made all the music in this.
RJ!: I love that.
Nick: I loved making this.
Hanna: Oh, no!
RJ!: The sting? That sting there?
Nick: I love that sting.
Nick: I'll send it over Skype right now.
Hanna: I'm trying to listen!(Continued in Let it Snow)
Let it Snow Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Oh, No! It's the Midnight Crew!)
Nick: This song wasn't going to make it in if I didn't do something about it.
RJ!: No, it actually wasn't. Mostly because...
Nick: And then I did.
RJ!: I wasn't able...
RJ!: Like, I couldn't fit it in and make it segue well.
RJ!: Noo!
Hanna: Why are you sending something over Skype?
Hanna: That's going to lag the call even more.
Nick: I'll send it after this commentary, god.
RJ!: Another reason this wasn't going to get in is because...
RJ!: Because Let it Snow is actually not out of the public domain.
Hanna: No, we really won't be able to hear anything you're saying.
RJ!: So we're cheating a little bit.
RJ!: We're hoping we're getting away on our good will and charity.
Hanna: Yeah, that shit's copyrighted.
RJ!: It is!
Nick: We are.
Nick: This is why it's charity. Thanks, Parsec
RJ!: Licensed.
RJ!: But yeah, this money is all going to Child's Play.
Nick: That's kind of a jerkish thing for me to say.
Nick: Charity's awesome. What am I talking about?
RJ: Especially this one. This is Child's Play we're giving to.
Hanna: Charity.(Continued in Hella Sweet)
Hella Sweet Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Let it Snow)
Nick: I like the SBAHJ sting I did as well.
RJ!: Yes!.
Hanna: Yeah, she's a nice girl.
Hanna: That's a lot of big sack you got there.(Continued in Shit, Let's Be Santa)
Shit, Let's Be Santa Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Hella Sweet)
RJ!: I actually don't hate my voice in this song.
RJ!: Mostly because I can't tell it's me.
Nick: Oh, shit. Let's be Santa.
RJ!: Shit, let's be Santa.
Hanna: Yeah!
Nick: It's because it's being totally obnoxious.
RJ!: So, um, I really don't know why I came up with this song.
RJ!: Originally, I was writing a...
RJ!: I think I was writing a...
RJ!: I was writing a track called, um...
Hanna: We're all being Santa right here, right now.
RJ!: Christmas in Pentatonic [?].
RJ!: And that was going to be this song.
RJ!: And then, somewhere along the lines, it became this.
RJ!: I'm not sure how that happened.
Nick: Don't worry about it.
Nick: It's still a great song.
RJ!: I made it pretty much around the same time we're talking right now in the morning.
RJ!: Like, four or five days ago, so...
Hanna: Well, it's another Christmas miracle.
RJ!: That would explain things. It was, uh...
RJ!: Oh, I actually shouldn't say it.
RJ!: That's a secret.
RJ!: Never mind. You didn't hear anything.
RJ!: Uh, listeners.
Nick: It is a secret. Don't tell anybody.
Nick: You heard it here first, folks.
Nick: MSPA Music Team hides secrets.
Hanna: Whoop!
RJ!: We do. Frequently.
Nick: We're not very good at it, either.
Nick: I mean, I hint to my friends all the time.
Hanna: I have a secret, too, you guys.
Nick: I don't make music.
RJ!: No, no!
Nick: Yes, I do. What am I talking about?
RJ!: You made the best music on this one.
RJ!: The little stings there.
Nick: I'm on the music team. That's fine.
Hanna: Doo-doo!
Hanna: (gasp) Oh, no!
Nick: And I made the background music for the segues.
RJ!: Yes.
RJ!: And you helped out on, um...
RJ!: You did the, uh... Anthem of Rime with, um...
Nick: Anthem of Rime.
Nick: But it's not about me, this album.
Nick: This album's not about me.
Nick: It's about everybody that helped out.
RJ!: It's about everybody.
RJ!: This is about...
Nick: You guys did a great job with the album.
Nick: And RJ especially for friggin' mastering this big ol' son of a bitch.
RJ!: Oh, thank you. Wow.
RJ!: I'd have to thank the team in general.
Hanna: All of that cheers.
RJ!: It exists, and that's kind of incredible.
Nick: Yeah, the fact that it exists is... is great.(Continued in Choo Choo)
Choo Choo Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)
(Continued from Shit, Let's Be Santa)
RJ!: Oh, no!
Nick: This... I don't know.
Nick: George the Conductor.
RJ!: George the Conductor.
Nick: I don't think I'll ever pull out his voice after this album ever again.
RJ!: (laughs) Yeah, you guys.
RJ!: Thank you very much for listening.
RJ!: For paying for our music over the past few years. Oh my god!
Hanna: Thanks for listening, guys!
Nick: Thank you very much for listening to this commentary.
Nick: And actually going through this whole thing.
RJ!: If you're listening, and it's Christmas right now, Merry Christmas.
Nick: Remember, guys:
RJ!: Or in this case,
Nick: Merry Christmas.
Nick: Happy New Year.
Nick: Go to all these cool places. Listen to the music. Appreciate the music.
Nick: And appreciate the comic that it all goes to.
RJ!: And read Homestuck.
Nick: I'm OMGTSN.
Nick: That's RJ.
Nick: And that's Bear.
RJ!: And this is...
Nick: (laughs)
Hanna: Alright, Bear.
RJ!: See ya!
Nick: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hanna: It's been fun talking over each other, you guys.
Homestuck for the Holidays
Main album (1–19)
Bonus tracks (20–23)