
Land of Fans and Music 5

carátula del álbum

Carátula por Monckat monckat Bandcamp YouTube YouTube achrananth Tumblr Achrananth Twitter Otro Vinculum Vitae Siguiente banner del álbum por este artista.
Fondo por Monckat monckat Bandcamp YouTube YouTube achrananth Tumblr Achrananth Twitter Otro Vinculum Vitae Siguiente wallpaper del arte por este artista.
Arte de banner por Monckat monckat Bandcamp YouTube YouTube achrananth Tumblr Achrananth Twitter Otro (+ edicionesEdiciones para la wikia por Niklink).
Lanzado el 19/12/2021.
Duración: ~5:13:21.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube (lista de reproducción).

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  1. (2:56) Skaian Spirograph por WarxTron
  2. (2:19) Spacetime Starstriker por Discfortune
  3. (1:57) Post-Ironic Radical Child Abuse Anthem por Gryotharian
  4. (5:17) InterNep por Tee-vee
  5. (3:44) Princess Berryboo and Her Orchestra Present "Friendship is Paramount" ft. Squishy Tentacle On Piano por Not Eno
  6. (3:41) On an Island Far Away por Circlejourney
  7. (3:02) 24/7 lo fi anime beats to achieve your destiny to por Frost Carter
  8. (3:47) Alpha Admission por Pascal van den Bos
  9. (4:07) Cut the Chain por ft-rj
  10. (6:46) Firefly Storm por Riki Tsuji
  11. (3:01) Urban Jungle por Frost Carter
  12. (3:19) Spritely Gardener por Rainy
  13. (3:20) Special Delivery por Kanishka
  14. (3:16) Sunriser por Kusoro
  15. (1:53) Aggrieve (Knightcore Mix) por cookiefonster
  16. (5:29) Dreamers por Scorpyus
  17. (2:50) F∞ クライミング『CLIMBING』 por SplitSuns
  18. (4:51) Pipe Dream por Kanishka
  19. (3:56) Stab - Stab - Stab por Interrobang
  20. (6:31) A Dream Of Broken Clocks por Gryotharian
  21. (2:55) Black (Electro Swing Remix) por Spad3s
  22. (2:08) Dance of Entropy por Gryotharian
  23. (2:38) Furthest Ringside por Monckat
  24. (3:06) Wayward por Shwan
  25. (4:25) Upon Whom Sacrifice Calls por ft-rj
  26. (1:29) Sun and Setter por Pascal van den Bos
  27. (3:20) Hippocampus Sea por Levc
  28. (5:31) She's a D8ddy L8ng L8gs por Mathias Ramalho
  29. (2:12) King Crab por $C4RL3TT
  30. (3:31) ALIVE por heir-of-puns
  31. (6:13) Blood Rite por Scorpyus
  32. (2:43) Madame Controversielle 2 por cookiefonster
  33. (3:58) Anamnesis por Kanishka
  34. (4:22) Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse (Cement City Remix) por Cement City
  35. (3:20) Rex Duodecim Angelus (Remix) por Artisticpolo
  36. (3:52) Pondsquatter (Demaster/Demix) por Mathias Ramalho
  37. (3:16) At the Threshold por heir-of-puns
  38. (1:44) Scratching Consequences por TirantBacon
  39. (6:54) One Hour Later por Kusoro
  40. (2:13) Viridescent Flare por Shwan
  41. (4:54) The Dreamer and the Dream por Kal-la-kal-la
  42. (4:22) Sailing (In The Sea Of Stars) por Circlejourney
  43. (3:22) She's Out There (In The Sea Of Stars) por Circlejourney
  44. (3:41) Revelations of Self Importance por Gryotharian
  45. (2:27) Strain por TirantBacon y WarxTron
  46. (5:27) Death Minute in Duodecimal ~ Regicide Demonica por Tee-vee
  47. (3:25) Black Hole's Dozen por Monckat
  49. (6:00) Infinite Zest por Noisemaker
  50. (4:29) TEETH AND BLOOD por Gryotharian
  51. (4:13) Predomination por Kal-la-kal-la
  52. (2:49) The Power of RETCON por Levc
  53. (4:00) Heir of Grief (Sax Cover) por subversiveasset
  54. (5:44) Collapse Reprise por Pascal van den Bos
  55. (5:01) Shattered Spacetime por Gryotharian
  56. (4:22) Consonant Conquest por Interrobang
  57. (3:14) Reunion por Not Eno
  58. (5:06) Crystalschalasthemequins por Momo
  59. (0:54) Sburban City por $C4RL3TT
  60. (4:07) Gold Mage [Playtime is Over Mix] por Decon Theed y repeatedScales
  61. (2:36) Black ($C4RL3TT Remix) por $C4RL3TT
  62. (2:59) Harley-Claire Retro Time! por FlareDragon
  63. (3:35) Snake Case Closin' '18 por Tee-vee
  64. (1:48) Minor Manor por L4Vo5
  65. (2:47) Joey: Play Haunting Melody por Erik Scheele
  66. (3:41) Keep Your Head Down, Rustblood! por subversiveasset
  67. (2:07) Final Spice (Remix) por Kusoro
  68. (2:38) Sburban Fall por WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES
  69. (2:32) All Alone (Redux) por Rainy
  70. (2:39) Time Running By por Artisticpolo
  71. (3:48) Event Horizon/Barium Starlight por Grace Medley
  72. (5:21) [S] ==> por heir-of-puns y Ucklin
  73. (2:02) Abstract por Kusoro
  74. (3:05) Saccharine Slumber, Strider por Shwan
  75. (3:35) Somnambulist por heir-of-puns
  76. (4:25) Crystallized Flowers DX por salex_r3kt
  77. (4:15) I Am Bigger Than This Story por Frost Carter
  78. (3:02) A Story That Consumes Itself por Circlejourney
  79. (28:27) Ophiuchus (Full Suite) por WarxTron, David Ellis y Fabricio Podestá
  80. (2:11) Swan Song/Until Next Time por Gryotharian

Añadido a la wiki el 1/1/2023.

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Comentario del artista:


Ok I don't know how we're gonna format this but I want to thank Gryotharian and Monckat for doing an absolutely amazing job getting track art done for every remaining track in like, a week. That's 26 and 17 arts respectively! They can be said unironically to have saved the art part of this album.

The other artists are fine too but they didn't make 17 track arts and that's the cutoff for being personally mentioned...


Thanks: Circlejourney and Makin for helping with management and organization, Kanishka for working a lot to get the booklet ready, Gryotharian for giving feedback to almost every song on the spreadsheet, and everyone else on the team who took on roles to help us get this out in addition to their music and art contributions! Also, everyone who tuned in to the livestream.

I thought this would definitely be our final album going in, but now I don't feel so sure. It really was a team effort, so thank you everyone!


(alternate album art)

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