One Year Older

Por Erik Scheele
Carátula por Killian Ng
Previo banner del álbum por este artista.
Fondo por Homestuck
Symphony Impossible to Play
Previo wallpaper del arte por este artista
Genesis Frog
Siguiente wallpaper del arte por este artista (+ edicionesEdiciones para la wikia por Quasar Nebula).
Arte de banner por Homestuck
Symphony Impossible to Play
Previo carátula del álbum por este artista
Genesis Frog
Siguiente carátula del álbum por este artista (+ edicionesEdiciones para la wikia por Niklink).
Lanzado el 15/8/2012.
Duración: ~1:11:42.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube (lista de reproducción).
Véase archivos adicionales.
¡Véase pagina de galeria o pagina de comentario!
- Main album: (~58:22) Main album:
- (3:20) Sunrise
- (5:12) October
- (4:04) Firefly Cloud
- (3:52) FantasyP
- (3:05) Underfoot
- (3:09) Flying Car
- (3:30) Cancerous Core
- (3:42) Game Over
- (2:36) Unlabeled
- (4:13) Skaian Shrapnel
- (7:34) The Scratch
- (2:33) Respit
- (6:29) Negastrife
- (5:03) Mother
- Bonus tracks: (~11:35) Bonus tracks:
- (5:01) Another Chance por Eston Schweickart
- (3:27) Under The Hat
- (3:07) Mother (Piano)
- 2019 release: (1:45) 2019 release:
Hidden track, exclusive to the album download, included on the artist's personal-Bandcamp 2019 rerelease.
- (1:45) it's good to see you again
Añadido a la wiki el 15/11/2019.
Véase o descarge archivos adicionales:
Album booklet
- Commentary booklet, included with the album download.
- Commentary Book.pdf (2.5 MB)
Solo Album Month Bandcamp banner & background
- Greyscale theme used on Bandcamp throughout late 2012, with the releases of Symphony Impossible to Play, this album, and Genesis Frog.
- banner.jpg (51.7 kB)
- bg.jpg (9.2 kB)
Comentario del artista:
Erik Scheele: (booklet commentary)
okay first things first
FOR YOUYes you. The one sitting at their computer or phone or other gadget, you the one who's doing their hair or putting on flair like you just don't care, you the one sitting at a desk or laying in a bed or even hiding from the cops, I don't really care, this was made for you. It's been worked on over a long period of time (technically almost two years!), it's been delayed and pushed back, it was actually not even going to come out for a while, but here it is. And I'm incredibly thankful that you, whoever you are and whatever your interest, are spending the time to listen to this music.
So what is this, then? Well, back when the Homestuck music team was all jumping on the concept of "solo albums", I said to myself, hum, why not do one? The original concept was incredibly vague, because I'm not a very imaginative person most of the time, an album for John Egbert that used piano in most every track to some degree. And after a few tracks were made, a more specific idea began to emerge, that of an album sequentially examined moments in his journey through SBURB, music for key points or just for scenes. I even graphed the entire (known) timeline out on a giant piece of paper and plotted it all out. It's turned out to be far more ambitious and broad of a goal than I'd originally planned for, especially with how "key events known" slowly eclipsed "key events to unfold" over time, but I feel confident enough about how this album has turned out that I'm not too worried. And if anything, that means more music has come to you.
Now, before I start rambling at length about the music in here, I've got to toss out a few "thank you"s to people.
First, to all the artists that helped out with the track art. The stuff that they've all given me is just incredible, and if you ever ask me what my favorite part of this album is I would definitely say "the art". I may be biased. There's full versions of all the album art with the album itself, and I'd highly encourage you to give it a look-over and see what else these talented people have put out.
Second, to the other people in the music team, who've helped me go from "some guy who uses famitracker and an awful microphone" to "somewhat of an okay digital musician". I'm thankful for every bit of critiquing I've gotten, too, even if I can be really stubborn about it. And all the bros I know in there, if I could meet everyone in person there would be endless fistbumps. You guys rock.
Third, to all the friends and people I've met over the years, through Homestuck and otherwise, that've been great to hang out with and chill with and just talk about stupid random things with.
Fourth, to my family for always being around, and for....well, being family. Keeping me alive and healthy and stuff and keeping me from completely failing in this "life" thing.
And lastly to Andrew Hussie for creating Homestuck, making the really crazy decision to bring me onto the team in the first place, and for giving me the opportunity to both make an album and just make music for him in the first place. I don't know how little I would've composed if I didn't have Homestuck pushing along, both giving me a reason to write and things to write about.
Alright! Now that all that before-album talk is done with, it's time to get into the album proper. I hope you, out there, enjoy this album, and I'll see you on the flipside.
Signed, Erik "Jit" Scheele
Andrew Hussie: (MSPA news post)
Album two of solo month: One Year Older by Erik Scheele. Take a look here to see what else Eric has done for Homestuck.
Killian Ng: (Tumblr, excerpt)
I was asked to draw some things for Jit’s solo album, One Year Older which you can get over here. It was fun working with you, Jit!
I knew that the album would be about John, so Jit and I agreed on this image of Dad Egbert celebrating John’s 13th birthday, and passing him this symbolic cake with the heir of breath symbol. I was really hoping to be able to write the album title on the cake itself but it kind of got pushed off onto the cake board, where it is barely visible in the thumbnail. Whoops!
Homestuck: (Bandcamp credits blurb)
Composition and arrangement by Erik "Jit" Scheele
Includes material by:
Malcolm Brown
George Buzinkai
Toby "Radiation" Fox
Mark Hadley
Alexander RosettiCover art by Killian Ng
Erik Scheele: (2019 rerelease commentary)
An album I made for Homestuck, released originally on 8/16/2012. After it was spontaneously "retired" from their catalogue without warning, now it is here, for free, for people to enjoy. Album is as it was originally, with commentary PDF, track art, everything.
If you want to toss some money down for it, then that's fine with me. If I'm out of free download credits, then perhaps get it from a friend on the internet.
If you'd like to get in contact with me, the best way is by email, so use the "contact" button up on the right sidebar or email me at You can also find me on tumblr (jitmakesstuff) or twitter (@jitters20) but I very hardly use those sites at the moment.