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Max Wright

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Max Wright has contributed ~49:41 minutes of music shared on this wiki.

Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Land of Fans and Music (7/30/2011; ~3:13)
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A (4/2/2012; 4:14)
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B (4/13/2012; 2:45)
Genesis Frog (10/23/2012; 3:50)
SBURB OST (11/24/2012; ~15:03)
Land of Fans and Music 2 (12/25/2012; ~5:00)
Land of Fans and Music 3 (12/15/2013; 2:01)
Homestuck Vol. 10 (6/12/2016; 3:31)
P[S] (6/13/2018; 2:44)
Moons of Theseus (6/8/2019; 7:20)


Land of Fans and Music
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B
Land of Fans and Music 2
Land of Fans and Music 3
Homestuck Vol. 10
View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)