
By SolusLunes
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Released 6/13/2010.
Duration: 2:37.
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Artist commentary:
SolusLunes: (composer, Newgrounds description)
oh god how did this get here i am not good with dnb
SolusLunes: (Newgrounds comments)
its not really DnB
It would make a nice hiphop track if you slowed it down a little and turned down the synth. I like the panning of the drums although the pan on that beepy synth was unnecessary.
Overall its a pretty good song but definately not DnB.
I have NO IDEA what to call it. Really.
ffs I need my own genres.
Also, "that beepy synth" was actually three seperate synths, one panned left, one right, and one centered. :D
Its not DnB but sounds good like 8bit style good work! I like it!
I never know how to categorize my songs. They're normally very strange and don't fit particularly well into a genre.
(Box-Killa:) I think I might actually give you a proper review, just to let you know that I am actually not some dumb ass who can just midi rip. But anyway lol...
This is definitely not drum and bass, but I can sort of tell you were going for it. Possibly something techno or experimental/misc? I suppose everyone is better at different things. Like for instance, I know you can create some really good melodies and bass lines. You also have some nice structure and arrangement with your songs in general.
I suppose on the modern sort of effects/repetitive/all that sort of stuff, isn't where your skills really lye. Not to say you can't create some really awesome sounding synths.
For starters this is way to slow for any sort of dnb association, second of all the bass doesn't really sound all that drum and bass like.
You should be able to take away all other instruments except for the drums and the bass and it should still sound awesome. Really, the sound of the bass and the high speed flowing drums is what gives a dnb song a dnb feel, in my opinion any who.
This has a real nice melody to it and some really nice alternating drum patterns and it is a good song but it isn't that catchy and doesn't excite any strong emotions. Take a Paragonx9 song for instance. It does have some strong drum arrangements and usually a kick ass reese bass, but it also has some kick ass video game type melodies. It has building up and climax's and all that sort of stuff.
This song on the other hand, compared with "she" for instance, doesn't have much going for it. Maybe you could have at least sped it up for some sort of climax, or taken away the drums for a while, for some sort of breakdown.
Well I am no master of dnb but I hope I helped you out :D
lulz, I know you're not just "some dumbass who can midi rip", I mean, srsly, the Synthesis remix made me lol harder than most anything ever :D
I've listened to your music (ninja listening ftw!) and you're probably better than I am.
But yes, I was going for DnB- it's something I've never done before, I kind of did no research at all, it was effectively "RAWR LET'S DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS".
Sounds like how I write most of my music.
But yes! You have helped me! For I intend to continue writing... um... whatever this is... and possibly getting closer to actual DnB!
That kinda seems to be my main problem- I can't do mainstream, no matter how hard I try to. And goddamn, I do try. :p
(Also please note that the description was only a semi-joke. I really have no idea how this got here.)
I saw the ad on MSPA! The song is awesome and fitting for Homestuck!
But couldn't you just have PM'd the guy on the forums rather than spending actual real money for real on an ad? :S
Also it isn't really D&B but this is a good thing in my opinion
I'm not going to say anything at the moment, but the ad accomplished exactly what I wanted it to :D
Nice, Nice...
What's up with haxxing your way into MSPA?
Really though, it's a good song, and the ad was funny. You should listen to the works of HalcyonFalconX, you know, the one who did the music for Epic Battle Fantasy?I thought it'd be hilarious.
And you know, at one point, HFX and I had a collab kind of going. That thing kind of died abortively, and we should finish that. It'd be epic.
And now I can see Dave jumping on the rooftops slicing imps... D: