David Ellis
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David Ellis has contributed ~3:07:57 hours of music shared on this wiki.
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Fandom (15 tracks)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (9 tracks)
Casual Sunday (7 tracks)
Official Discography (5 tracks)
Beyond (2 tracks)
Additional Tracks (1 track)
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Fandom (1:47:11)
Casual Sunday (1:19:26)
Beyond (45:50)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (45:05)
Official Discography (26:15)
Additional Tracks (8:41)
- coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B (4/13/2012; ~8:30)
- (4:46) Blue Atom
- (3:44) Cyan Beast
- Homestuck Vol. 9 (6/12/2012; 5:08)
- (5:08) Noirscape
- Land of Fans and Music 2 (12/25/2012; ~7:22)
- (3:02) A Study In Skaia
- (4:20) Rainbow Rebirth
- Shortcuts (11/2/2013; ~45:50)
- (5:47) Pulse (with Clouds Haberberg, Samm Neiland, and James Ellis)
- (40:03) Audio Commentary Featuring David Ellis, Robert J! Lake, Yishan Mai, Marcy Nabors and Corbin Pangilinan (with Robert J! Lake, Catboss, Marcy Nabors, and Corbin Pangilinan)
- Land of Fans and Music 3 (12/15/2013; ~29:57)
- (3:00) An Uncertain Venture
- (8:15) Garden of Eden (Part 1) (with Veritas Unae)
- (10:39) Garden of Eden (Part 2) (with Veritas Unae)
- (3:49) The Demon and the Alien (instrumentation, polishing assistance; with Veritas Unae)
- (4:14) INFIDELS!
- Homestuck Vol. 10 (6/12/2016; 7:57)
- (7:57) Moonsweater
- Land of Fans and Music 4 (9/9/2017; 7:46)
- (7:46) Homestuck Sonata
- P[S] (6/13/2018; ~33:36)
- (1:28) First Steps
- (7:31) Back to Life
- (7:17) A World Awake
- (1:07) Atoms in the Snow
- (16:13) Myststuck Suite (Full Version)
- Beyond Canon (4/13/2020; 4:40)
- (4:40) Now I'm a Villain
- Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (9/11/2020; 28:30)
- (28:30) Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (Takeover / Havoc organ solo; with WarxTron and Fabricio Podestá)
- Land of Fans and Music 5 (12/19/2021)
- (28:27) Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (rerelease)
- More Homestuck Fandom (8:41)
- (8:41) Takeover / Havoc (organ solo; with WarxTron and Fabricio Podestá)
- coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B
- Homestuck Vol. 9
- Land of Fans and Music 2
- A Study In Skaia (composer, booklet commentary)
- A Study In Skaia (composer, Tumblr)
- Rainbow Rebirth (composer, booklet commentary)
- Land of Fans and Music 3
- An Uncertain Venture (composer, booklet commentary)
- INFIDELS! (composer, booklet commentary)
- Homestuck Vol. 10
- Moonsweater (composer, booklet commentary)
- Land of Fans and Music 4
- Homestuck Sonata (composer, booklet commentary)
- Beyond Canon