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¡Véase galería de arte!
Saltar a: Pistas, Arte y Comentario.
koba ha contribuido ~3:38:29 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Fandom (98 pistas)
Cool and New Music Team (48 pistas)
Beyond (11 pistas)
Deconreconstruction (4 pistas)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (3 pistas)
Oceanfalls (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Fandom (3:33:29)
Cool and New Music Team (2:16:21)
Deconreconstruction (19:36)
Beyond (11:04)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (10:12)
Oceanfalls (5:00)
- cool and new voulem.1 (2/7/2016; ~6:01)
- (2:14) licord nacrasty
- (3:47) upp word(s) movmeant (Fanon Edit)
- cool and new volume 2 (20/7/2016; 3:10)
- Cool and new Volume V (20/8/2016; 1:01)
- (1:01) Lambda Doctor
- call and new (23/9/2016; 2:29)
- cool and new volume s*x: hair transplant (23/9/2016; ~7:15)
- (5:55) Harmonize
- (1:20) wano_vo_tse_1.wav
- CaNWC Sound Test Vol.1: REVENGE OF THE GIIVASUNNER (23/9/2016; ~14:43)
- (3:13) A E S T H E T O B Y S T Y L E
- (1:39) Bowman Boogie
- (5:33) Harmonize (Beta)
- (2:14) I'd like to see your hexagon
- (1:04) K.K. Doctor
- (0:10) Pepper Nadsat
- (0:50) The Baby Is The Doctor
- C A N W A V E (10/10/2016; ~12:45)
- (4:17) B L λ C K
- (5:37) F R E E F A L L
- (2:51) L.O.R.E
- COOL AND NEW Volume 7: At the Price of $104.13 (15/10/2016; ~2:39)
- (2:01) arfchant evenlasing
- (0:38) Moshi's Claw (Bonus) (con Cecily Renns)
- Carne Vale Fusion Collab (25/10/2016; 4:22)
- (4:22) Carne Vale Fusion Collab (con Hadron, ft-rj, meems, bobthetacocat, CreatorOfJanespeak y Interrobang)
- CANWC for the Holidays (30/10/2016; 0:51)
- (0:51) A Very Moshi Christmas
- Cool and New Greatest Hits (6/11/2016)
- (5:55) Harmonize (relanzamiento)
- Cool and New Homestuck 2 (26/11/2016; 3:28)
- (3:28) Intentional Pokemon
- Cool and New Homestuck 3 (26/12/2016; ~9:55)
- (0:52) XP boogie (con cookiefonster)
- (9:03) 7 GRAND END (con Discfortune, SplitSuns, Minish, TirantBacon, StarlightCalliope, Wheals, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, MoreEpicThanYou747, Isoleucine, ostrichlittledungeon, Noisemaker, Rom M, Cecily Renns, cookiefonster, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron, ft-rj y Interrobang)
- V8️lu♏e (14/1/2017; 2:16)
- (2:16) Starry Midnight
- C A N W A V E 2 (20/1/2017; ~33:14)
- (6:30) F L A R E (Doomed Timeline Ver.)
- (2:29) licord midnight
- (15:33) A Lamentful Walk Through the Sburban Plain
- (8:42) S K A I A N S H U F F L E
- BOWMANIA (10/3/2017; 1:33)
- Intermishin (10/4/2017; 3:53)
- (3:53) Variating Sides
- call and new 2: locomotif (28/5/2017; ~4:43)
- (2:55) A new Journey
- (1:48) Plagueback
- (0:17) piano thing
- (0:29) who put dragon maid in my phone game
- (1:02) DJ W.D.I.D. (Aircheck)
- 9 (2/7/2017; 2:18)
- (2:18) feeling cool and new
- Greatest Hits 2 (20/7/2017)
- (2:18) feeling cool and new (relanzamiento)
- (9:03) 7 GRAND END (relanzamiento)
- Symphony Impossible to Hear (1/8/2017)
- III - Bourrée (Piano)
- le canrivalry: album is mandatory (6/11/2017; 4:37)
- (4:37) le canrival Fusion Collab (con Difarem, bobthetacocat, ft-rj, Pipko Fanfare, cookiefonster, Lace Luxim, Interrobang, XenoZane, yazshu y CreatorOfJanespeak)
- CANWAVE 3 (25/3/2018; 2:06)
- Call and New V (30/6/2018; ~4:28)
- (2:38) dont forget to save ur game
- (1:50) Alternative Orders
- LICORD: You Can (Not) Sound Good (22/9/2018; 2:13)
- (2:13) [licord swim]
- Moons of Theseus (8/6/2019; 3:17)
- (3:17) The Fifth Window
- Muse of Net (30/9/2019; 1:21)
- (1:21) Cool and New Animal Forest
- cool and new volume 3 (2/7/2021; 3:12)
- (3:12) Twilight Rhythm
- Land of Fans and Music 5 (19/12/2021; 2:19)
- Music Team Archive '16 - '21 (21/1/2022; ~38:12)
- (2:14) licord nacrasty (relanzamiento)
- (1:01) Lambda Doctor (relanzamiento)
- (5:55) Harmonize (relanzamiento)
- (3:28) Intentional Pokémon (relanzamiento)
- (0:52) XP Boogie (relanzamiento)
- (2:16) Starry Midnight (relanzamiento)
- (2:29) licord midnight (relanzamiento)
- (1:33) BOWMANIA ~ TITLE SCREEN (relanzamiento)
- (1:48) Plagueback (relanzamiento)
- (2:18) feeling cool and new (relanzamiento)
- (2:13) muse of reggie
- (3:45) Extra Boss Theme - Sonic Mania
- (2:59) this isnt even in key
- (2:57) i never had a name for this song so lets just call it 'im not good at ambience'
- (3:26) jungle #3 but i used synths i made at 2 am
- (2:04) what the fuck is mastering
- (2:06) インストルメンタル (relanzamiento)
- (2:38) dont forget to save ur game (relanzamiento)
- (1:50) Alternative Orders (relanzamiento)
- (2:13) [licord swim] (relanzamiento)
- (0:53) Sin Pausa (Mission Failed) (Album Edition) - DJMAX RESPECT V
- (1:19) Make it better (Ending) (BLΛNK MIX) - DJMAX RESPECT V
- (1:21) Cool and New Animal Forest (relanzamiento)
- (1:07) scrap.mp3 (con Interrobang)
- (0:46) synth.mp3
- (2:17) Stabby (Alpha Version) - 9
- (2:18) New Leaf City - MapleStory
- (3:17) Bowman Combat
- (2:32) MeGaLoVania (New Remix) - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- (2:54) DANGANRONPA【2nd GIG】 - DANGANRONPA 2 - Goodbye Despair
- (3:25) Cool Morning - DANGANRONPA V3 - Killing Harmony
- (3:12) Twilight Rhythm (relanzamiento)
- Cascading Light (21/4/2022; 3:04)
- (3:04) Cascading Light
- Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 1 (5/9/2022; 3:30)
- (3:30) Post-Production
- Perils Of Probability: The Technicolor Terror From Beyond The Hyperthetical! (31/10/2022; 5:41)
- (5:41) Devolver
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.4 (25/1/2023; 5:00)
- (5:00) Sea of Tranquility
- Magnum Opus (22/3/2023; ~10:25)
- (4:04) Catacombs
- (6:21) Insecurity
- Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2 (16/9/2023; 4:36)
- (4:36) Requiem for a Daybreaker
- FAREWELL TO ALL THE FISH (18/10/2023; ~6:04)
- (3:30) Post-Production (relanzamiento)
- (3:16) The Fifth Window (relanzamiento)
- (5:41) Devolver (relanzamiento)
- (4:04) Catacombs (relanzamiento)
- (4:54) Sea of Tranquility (relanzamiento)
- (4:22) CATALYZE
- (6:21) Insecurity (relanzamiento)
- (4:36) Requiem for a Daybreaker (relanzamiento)
- (3:12) Twilight Rhythm (relanzamiento)
¡Véase galería de arte! O navegue la lista:
- Contribuyó arte a estos grupos:
Fandom (15 ilustraciónes)
Cool and New Music Team (6 ilustraciónes)
Deconreconstruction (3 ilustraciónes)
Beyond (1 ilustración)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (1 ilustración)
- cool and new volume II (20/7/2016)
- (carátula) (Jaed; con Makin, yazshu, Bambosh, BitesizeBird, Discfortune, Cloudaria, miraculousAvantgarde, Noisemaker, Pipko Fanfare y Hadron)
- cool and new volume s*x: hair transplant (23/9/2016)
- Carne Vale Fusion Collab (25/10/2016)
- (carátula) (con XenoZane, Bambosh, Hadron, greenTetrahedron, jakkyr, avocado y CreatorOfJanespeak)
- (fondo) (con XenoZane, Bambosh, Hadron, greenTetrahedron, jakkyr, avocado y CreatorOfJanespeak)
- Land of Fans and Music 4 (9/9/2017)
- Vast Error Vol. 4 (21/10/2018)
- (fondo)
- (banner)
- Vast Error Vol. 1-3 (1/6/2021)
- (fondo) (con Vast Error)
- Music Team Archive '16 - '21 (21/1/2022)
- (carátula)
- (fondo)
- Cascading Light (21/4/2022)
- (carátula)
- (fondo)
- (carátula)
- Cool and new Volume V
- Cool and New Homestuck 2
- Intentional Pokemon (Composer)
- Vegetal Colina ("""Furry""")
- Cool and New Homestuck 3
- XP boogie (Artist)
- 7 GRAND END (Composer, 0:30-0:51)
- V8️lu♏e
- Starry Midnight (Composer)
- Intermishin
- Variating Sides (Composer)
- 9
- Rose: Escape (Entity)
- feeling cool and new (Composer)
- Land of Fans and Music 4
- Robert Jailbreak (track artist, booklet commentary)
- Moons of Theseus
- cool and new volume 3
- Twilight Rhythm (Composer)
- Land of Fans and Music 5
- Music Team Archive '16 - '21
- (comentario del álbum) (Bandcamp about blurb)
- licord nacrasty
- Lambda Doctor
- Harmonize
- Intentional Pokémon
- XP Boogie
- Starry Midnight
- licord midnight
- Plagueback
- feeling cool and new
- muse of reggie
- Extra Boss Theme - Sonic Mania
- this isnt even in key
- i never had a name for this song so lets just call it 'im not good at ambience'
- jungle #3 but i used synths i made at 2 am
- what the fuck is mastering
- インストルメンタル
- dont forget to save ur game
- Alternative Orders
- [licord swim]
- Sin Pausa (Mission Failed) (Album Edition) - DJMAX RESPECT V
- Make it better (Ending) (BLΛNK MIX) - DJMAX RESPECT V
- Cool and New Animal Forest
- scrap.mp3
- synth.mp3
- Stabby (Alpha Version) - 9
- New Leaf City - MapleStory
- Bowman Combat
- MeGaLoVania (New Remix) - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- DANGANRONPA【2nd GIG】 - DANGANRONPA 2 - Goodbye Despair
- Cool Morning - DANGANRONPA V3 - Killing Harmony
- Twilight Rhythm
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.4
- Sea of Tranquility (SoundCloud description, excerpt)
- Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2
- (comentario del álbum) (Bandcamp about blurb)
- (comentario del álbum)
koba has written these commentary entries as an editor of this wiki: Commentary — written for this wiki