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Tavia Morra

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Tavia Morra has contributed ~29:27 minutes of music shared on this wiki.

Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Homestuck Vol. 3 (12/15/2009; 1:03)
Squiddles! (8/26/2010; 4:27)
Homestuck Vol. 7: At the Price of Oblivion (5/31/2011; 3:01)
Homestuck Vol. 1-4 (10/24/2011)
Homestuck Vol. 8 (10/25/2011; ~7:20)
Ithaca (1/1/2012; ~7:20)
Homestuck Vol. 9 (6/12/2012; ~6:16)
Pesterquest Soundtrack (9/13/2021)


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Contributed artworks to groups:
Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido (5/31/2011)
Homestuck Vol. 8 (10/25/2011)
Homestuck Vol. 9 (6/12/2012)
Symphony Impossible to Play (8/1/2012)
  • (cover art)
One Year Older (8/15/2012)
SBURB OST (11/24/2012)
Comfortable Bugs (12/21/2012)
  • (cover art)
Vivid Spectrum (7/19/2013)
  • (cover art)
  • (banner art)

Flashes & Games

Act 5 Act 1 - MOB1US DOUBL3 R34CH4ROUND (9/8/2010)
Act 5 Act 2 - He is already here. (11/10/2010 – 10/25/2011)


Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido
Homestuck Vol. 8
Homestuck Vol. 9
Comfortable Bugs
  • (album commentary) (original cover art)
Land of Fans and Music 2
View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)