Heir Transplant

Album cover for Stuckhome Syndrome Part One V1: Years In the Past
By Robert J! Lake
A Mom's Mom
Previous track by this artist
Battle Theme for the Lost at Heart
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Released 4/13/2016.
Duration: 3:22.
Listen on Bandcamp.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that Heir Transplant references: Tracks that this one references:
Artist commentary:
Robert J! Lake: (Tumblr pre-release preview, excerpt)
Homestuck updated today for the first time in MONTHS. Crazy, right? Celebrate with another preview track for Stuckhome Syndrome Part 1 V1: Years in the Past! (Still out 4/13, the day the comic ends forever. It’s been seven years, can you believe that?)
Thisn’s a redo I started a while back of Heir Transparent, without any of the material from Doctor (just the stuff I added for my mix). So it’s a rearrangement of a remix that’s 2x removed from the source, now? god this title is dumb but whatever i still love it
I might add strings, says me about every song now I guess. This would sound great with strings, though, so I will most likely! do that