Listen to the Lovely Weather

Album cover for Stuckhome Syndrome Part One V1: Years In the Past
By Robert J! Lake
Soft Happy Pal
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It's Been a Long Time
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Released 4/13/2016.
Duration: 2:52.
Listen on Bandcamp.
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Artist commentary:
Robert J! Lake: (Tumblr pre-release preview, excerpt)
It’s a new day, and that new day contains a new song preview for Stuckhome Syndrome P1V1; this is the first minute and a half of Listen to the Lovely Weather, one of the tracks I wrote and produced for The Felt. There were a few more than the ones that made it on to that album and later ones (like Afraid of the Darko and Everything is Something to Somebody) and those are all on here (including a better version of Afraid of the Darko done for Volume 8 that…didn’t get on, because it was finished too last-minute).
This one was one I was always a little sad didn’t make it onto the album proper because it’s so jovial; The Felt doesn’t have a lot of major key work on it, and to capture that feel of a weird time concert I wanted to have some stuff that was a bit hopeful and tuneful, too, with acoustic guitar noodling and bright piano and stuff. This is probably the most upbeat track I wrote for The Felt; it’s also one of my favorites. Hope it’ll be one of yours, too!