Liquid Negrocity

By Toby Fox
Game Over (Andonuts)
Previous track by this artist
The Ballad of Jack Noir
Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Homestuck
Knives and Ivory
Previous track art by this artist
Hollow Suit
Next track art by this artist.
Released 2/4/2010.
Duration: 2:10.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Download sheet music files.
Download MIDI/project files.
Tracks that reference Liquid Negrocity: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Official Discography: Tracks from Official Discography that reference this one:
- Black by Toby Fox
- White by Toby Fox
- Octoroon Rangoon by Toby Fox
- Descend by Toby Fox
- Blackest Heart by Mark J. Hadley
- Time on My Side by Tensei
- Nightmare by Malcolm Brown
- ~~SIDE 1~~ by Toby Fox
- Fuchsia Ruler by Kezinox
- Pipeorgankind by James Roach
- Noirscape by David Ellis
- Bilious by Alex Rosetti
- Oppa Toby Style by Toby Fox
- You Killed My Father (Prepare To Die) by Team Dogfight
- WORST END by James Roach
- From Fandom: Tracks from Fandom that reference this one:
- First Guardian, Last Stand by Chase
- Jackie Treats by Artisticpolo
- Growing Up by Eston Schweickart
- Grudge in A Minor [Jack Noir] by Catboss
- Rectify by Thomas Ibarra
- Psychedelic Psychodelic by Catboss
- Fighting Spirit by Kevin Grant
- Irradiated by Thomas Ibarra
- Who Mourns for Jack Noir? by Nitrosparxx
- Dance-Stab-Dance by Catboss
- Fighting Spirit ~Second Form~ by Kevin Grant
- Garden of Eden (Part 1) by Veritas Unae and David Ellis
- The Demon and the Alien by Veritas Unae and David Ellis
- Party of Three by Cullen Lawson and Joe Ouellet
- Sketches in Black by Kevin Grant
- licord nacrasty by koba
- Archagent Everlasting by Cecily Renns
- Three in the Medley by Interrobang
- 25x SHOWDOWN COMBO by Discfortune
- go down (Fanon Cut) by Difarem
- Jack's Last 「Stand」 by Griever
- Liquid Doctor by Shwan
- Checkmate (Should I use Stalemate instead since there's already a song called Checkmate?) by Noisemaker
- go down (cool and new Mix) (feat. John J "Damn, Now Those Are Some Tunes" Renns) by Cecily Renns
- Umbrella Tomato by Interrobang
- Savior of oppositenesses by Shwan
- Flarezzzzzzz by Shwan
- The Connection by Kusoro
- Unintentional Touhou by Discfortune
- Black Showtime: Revelovania by VulkanShawl
- -3x piano solo by Shwan
- Vaporflare by Shwan
- liquid vaporwavecity (original) by Cecily Renns and Interrobang
- The Endless Black (aka Clockwork Negrocity) by SplitSuns
- Drawing Deud by SplitSuns
- Black (Full Version) by ft-rj
- Alphacoaster XP by cookiefonster
- Creata (Cool and New Synth Mix) by cookiefonster
- Starry Midnight by koba
- [reverie vaporwave] by Hadron
- licord midnight by koba
- Liquid Nightcorecity by Cecily Renns and Interrobang
- Midnight Stew by keyboard cait
- Unite Division by Tensei
- Unite Division (Beta) by Tensei
- Licord Jazzcrasty by WarxTron
- The Black Death by cryptologicalMystic
- Liquid NegrociTown by SplitSuns
- Midnight by TirantBacon
- Ringleader by Discfortune
- Vaccine by Kusoro
- HECK. by Minkt
- Stabby by Rom M
- WANTED: Jack el Negro. REWARD: $720 by WarxTron
- Two master classes, a knife enthusiast, and a green dude walk into a bar. by WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES
- Catched Being Naughty (Punishm8ant Time) by Frost Carter
- it's Toby, somewhere ... by Shwan
- Downwards by StarlightCalliope
- Last Chance by Viko Riféo
- You Killed the Econony (Prepare to Die) by Nicholas Nakano
- One and a Half Midnight by Kusoro
- Welcome to Quarantine City by Difarem and TirantBacon
- You're A Mean One, Mr. Slick. by WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES
- Vapor BLΛNKocity by WarxTron
- Blastoff by dbnet18 and Husr
- 8r8k the 8ottle by apatheticPianist and Pascal van den Bos
- Another Noir by hexidecimal
- Cascading Towards the End by Rainy
- At the Strike of Three by Beau Brian
- Pascal "Don't call me Starkemeister" van den Bos and TimelessHeir's DX collab (gone wrong(gone sexual)) definitive edition by Rowyn Berlan and Pascal van den Bos
- Time on My Side 16-Bit Cover by Pascal van den Bos
- Ascend x10 Combo by Pascal van den Bos
- Broken Dreams by Rowyn Berlan
- Untitled by Unknown Artist
- We'll Be Right Back by Rowyn Berlan and Beau Brian
- Escapade by Pascal van den Bos
- Beat Mesa Boogie by Tee-vee
- 5 Years Older by Cerulean
- Motif Mixture (Piano Improv) by cctv
- Pool Hall Massacre by Cosmoptera
- Black by Funk McLovin
- Yo Quiero la Homestuck by gabe's shady music shack
- Dusksetter by ruby
- Liquid Noir by yuuDii
- Versus Oblivion by yuuDii
- Can't Abscond by Mabsoot
- Feels Jam by bould
- Grimdate by Jebb
- Troll Fashion by bb-panzu
- Collide by bb-panzu
- [11/11/11] What do you suppose the name on the envelopes will be? by Maukustus
- Homestuck 15th Anniversary Medley by tsundereCat [TC]
- LORDMAKER by Gryotharian
- The Twilight Reverie (Extended Mix) by Maukustus
- The Dirty Snake's Coup by Witch's Cadence
- City Streets by Witch's Cadence
- Ballad of a Jack by Witch's Cadence
- The Epic of Jack Noir by Witch's Cadence
- Fin by Witch's Cadence
- Fraymotif Fighters (Title Theme) by Funk McLovin
- Midnight Carnage (BOSS: Bec Noir) by Levc
- striding my dark rn (Dark's Theme) by Tristone
- sb_degrootpumpkinparty (Rosy's Theme) by Tristone
- jane harley. by Tristone
- Begin The Slick by Tristone
- From Beyond: Tracks from Beyond that reference this one:
- From Additional Tracks: Tracks from Additional Tracks that reference this one:
Tracks that sample Liquid Negrocity: Tracks that sample this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks from Fandom that sample this one:
Print or download sheet music files:
Sheet music by Gamehunter
- Liquid Negrocity - Gamehunter.pdf (108.2 kB)
Sheet music by Nocturne
- Liquid Negrocity - Nocturne.pdf (29.7 kB)
Download MIDI/project files:
MIDI by Miff
- Liquid Negrocity - Miff.mid (1.6 kB)
MIDI by MrCheeze
- Liquid Negrocity - MrCheeze.mid (10 kB)