Emissary of Dance

By Catboss
Audio Commentary Featuring David Ellis, Robert J! Lake, Yishan Mai, Marcy Nabors and Corbin Pangilinan
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Cover art by Phil Gibson
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Released 12/15/2013.
Duration: 9:12.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that Emissary of Dance references: Tracks that this one references:
- Emissary of Wind by Eston Schweickart
- Rabbunctious! by Brad Griffin
- Anbroids V2.0 by Malcolm Brown
- Indigo Heir by Paul Tuttle Starr
- Lancer by Clark Powell
- Outer Reaches [Veil] by Charles Neudorf
- Rust Servant by Willow Ascenzo
- Gold Pilot by First Turn Fold
- Teal Seer by Kera L. Jones
- Eternity Served Cold by Malcolm Brown
- The Land of Wind and Shade by KDMAnderson
- Dirgeish by Nick Smalley and Andrew Huo
- Despot by Erik Scheele
- Scourge Sisters by Erik Scheele
- Vigilante by Brenna Curran
- A Fashionable Escape by Yan Rodriguez
- Layers Upon Layers [Build] by Marcy Nabors and Jamie Paige
- Iron Infidel by Samm Neiland
- CumuloSeerus [Oracle Clouds] by Brad Griffin
- Embittered Shore by Max Wright
- Final Stand by Eligecos
- Dissension (Original) by David Ko
- wwretched wwaltz by Kalibration
- The Paradox Paradigm by Jack McMenamin
- Fuchsia Ruler by Kezinox
- The Ballad of Maplehoof by Ian White
- Starkind by Toby Fox
- Minihoof's Adventure by Michael Guy Bowman
- Cobalt Corsair by Max Wright
- On Golden Dreams [Prospit] by Veritas Unae
- Jackpot by Charles Neudorf and Marcy Nabors
- Checkmate by David Dycus
- Dogfight by Team Dogfight
- Cyan Beast by David Ellis
- White King by Demographerist
- Trickster Mode (Engage) by Toby Fox
Artist commentary:
Catboss: (composer, booklet commentary)
This is more of a MGDVN 2.5 than a 3, really. After DSD I was all, okay I'm tapped out of official Homestuck songs, what now?
Fanmusic. Fanmusic is what.
This song is essentially a love letter to the huge, burgeoning, and pretty much excellent fanmusic community. There is so much creativity and talent there it is pretty ridiculous?? Also, I would probably never have gotten any of my stuff online if it wasn't for the community's support so basically you guys are awesome.
now the hard part
Quotes songs by... *deep breath*
eston"silence"schweickartbradgriffin(avinoch)malcolmbrownpaultuttlestarrclarkpowellcharles"crazy-8"neudorfwillowascenzofirstturnfoldkeral.joneserik"jit"scheelekristian"dacen"andersonnicksmalleymichaelguybowman... *puff* *wheeze*