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- dusty shelves

site changes

  • changed how a recent search query is remembered so that it doesn't get in the way of page or sidebar content, nor of performing a new search, but still lets you jump between reuslts quickly
    • results are still remembered, but they're kept hidden until you click the search box again
    • search box shows your latest query as a "placeholder", in italics; once clicked, the query is restored, and all selected, so you can quickly replace it
    • clicking the magnifying glass will also select the entire existing query, for quick replacing, at any time
  • added support for additional names to flashes
  • divided "wiki editor" commentary into new subsection under artist info page, same as artworks with "edits for wiki" credits are divided, too
  • tweaked phrasing for "tracks that reference/sample this one" sticky subheading, so that "from (group)" is displayed at the end of the heading, rather than in the middle
  • action rows on the homepage, such as "Explore Official!" - "Explore Beyond!" - etc, and "...and many more!" under Recent Additions, are now always shown center-aligned on their own row

bug fixes

  • fixed search sometimes getting activated with a totally empty query, while clearing the input's contents
  • fixed annotations for commentary entries on flashes, when displayed in commentary list on artist info page, "absorbing" immediately-following punctuation (old, new)


data changes

  • replaced most YouTube playback links for Homestuck flashes (side 1, side 2) with timestamped links to Bambosh's '[S] Homestuck - All flashes', replacing YouTube links in 60 flashes, and adding YouTube links to 46 flashes missing them altogether (thanks, meulanie, Lan!)
  • added dates to all wiki editor commentary, showing when the entries were actually written or heavily revised, mostly based off the data repository's git commit history (thanks, Amberlina, Whisper!)
  • filled out details for 1996 Internet Starter Kit - Velkommen - Original Mix, previously named "Windows XP Installation Music" with duration 5:22 and no commentary (thanks, vriska, Lan!)

data fixes

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog

- Anachronist's Library

site changes

  • obliterated chronology links in the nav bar (rest in peace) and added them into artist tooltips, instead; these show the previous and next things' names (and a description if hovered for longer); they're more dynamic and may be shown for all kinds of credits, not just for track artists/contributors and cover/track art illustrators
  • new group series feature, so albums can now belong to specialized "series" within their groups (for example, "Numbered volumes" under Official Discography; "Land of Fans and Music" under Unofficial MSPA Fans; "Pokémon Unbound" under The Paradox Music Team) - these are shown on group info pages, in full; on album pages, with dedicated previous/next buttons; and on track pages, briefly
  • new artwork references feature, which lets tracks and albums reference the artworks of other tracks and albums; references are displayed on dedicated gallery pages, which are linked beneath the tag list of cover artworks
  • new "closely linked artists" feature, so group pages can take you right to the corresponding artist pages, and vice versa (used all throughout the "solo musicians" group category)
  • new "crediting sources" feature, essentially same as commentary but a dedicated section to collect and detail official credit sources, snippets of relevant commentary, and other observations; these generally inform the specific credits (in artist and contribution lists) for tracks on the wiki and are present so they can be revisited by anyone, at any time, and checked against or added to, to improve on-wiki credits and for thoroughness
    • ... we didn't find the time to finish filling out crediting sources for the official discography for this update, though ✨✨
  • added support for "featuring" credits; these get a custom look in track lists anywhere, and make solo albums nice and neat (old, new; track page)
  • added support for commentary entry access and/or capture dates (read from URLs where given, or specified manually), as well as uncertain or bounded date ranges; see e.g. Snow Halation, HIVESWAP: ACT 2 Original Soundtrack, and basically any crediting sources
  • added support for descriptions for individual track sections (within an album), e.g. Homestuck Vol. 1-4, bonus tracks in Homestuck Vol. 8
  • added support for additional names to albums
  • added support for expand-collapse "details" elements, and spoiler text ala Discord or GameFAQs, to commentary
  • added new "Album cover for..." message beneath tag list when a track page is showing the album's cover artwork because the track itself has no unique artwork
  • added secondary nav bar (by-group and by-series) to album commentary page, plus "stub" album commentary pages; also hid the track list on any album commentary page where none of the tracks have commentary, added album date at top of page, and added track dates where they differ from the album
  • revamp for "edits for wiki" credits, on banners and wallpapers: now shown in a "+ edits" tooltip; separate from main artwork lists, on artist info page; and excluded from artist gallery page; and support additional details, e.g. "crop" or "based on album cover"
  • made external links in commentary (with arrowheads) "absorb" immediately-following punctuation, so commas, periods, etc appear next to the word, instead of getting pushed past the arrow (old, new)
  • added dots between links in nav bar, instead of just a comma, for style and easier clicking; and made the first and last track in an album just dim out the "Previous" and "Next" links, instead of outright hiding them, so those nav links are positioned more consistently
  • dropping text into the search input (or a link from the current page) will now replace whatever was in the search input before, and perform the search right away
  • various appearance improvements for search input: new magnifying glass, input text aligned with results' labels; browser-builtin "x" button, to clear search, now visibly grey rather than black; light highlight when hovered or focused; and a bit taller, overall
  • various appearance improvements for commentary headings: bar beneath heading is now solid and dim, rather than dotted and bright; word-wrapped lines after the first are slightly indented; and date information snaps to bottom, aligning with heading bar
  • new "quick descriptions" on group gallery page, showing the front of the group's description (as well as text past the split, after clicking to expand)
  • links to the same album, if the album itself has commentary, now scroll to that commentary, on album commentary page, see e.g. "continued from album commentary" link in Dawn of Man
  • clicking on an artwork to show that art in the large overlay will now colorize the overlay according to the artwork you clicked, if it differs from the color of the page itself (e.g. on some album commentary pages)
  • changed "Illust. (artists)" message to "Artwork by (artists)" in various art gallery pages
  • various smaller and larger internal improvements across the wiki data format, mostly to improve quality of life for data entry
  • uncountable totally internal additions and improvements, across code both for data processing and for page generation (and much miscellany besides), underlying new features and fixes and serving as groundworks for future stuff, just as usual

bug fixes

  • miscellaneous improvements to tooltip placement logic, so large tooltips near page boundaries shouldn't go flying off into the sun so often
  • fixed group info pages showing a different order than group gallery page (besides just being reversed, so old-to-new) when multiple albums were released on same date
  • fixed certain cases where an artist page would be completely inaccessible because they shared the same directory (URL) as an alias of another artist
  • fixed track social embeds (e.g. when linking to the wiki on Discord) being alomst completely empty, and album social embeds missing the heading line (broken, fixed)

album additions

other additions

data changes

data fixes

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog (general changes)
  • changed directory of Through the Haze from through-the-haze to through-the-haze-the-green-box-set-1 (thanks, Jebb!)
  • changed directory of In the Deep from in-the-deep to in-the-deep-the-green-box-set-1 (thanks, Jebb!)
  • changed directory of Off the Path from off-the-path to off-the-path-the-green-box-set-1 (thanks, Jebb!)
  • changed directory of Final Movement from final-movement to final-movement-the-green-box-set-1 (thanks, Jebb!)
  • changed directory of F∞ クライミング『CLIMBING』 from f-climbing-lofam4 to f-climbing-lofam5 (thanks, Lilith!)
  • changed directory of INTERMISSION: Risk from risk-vast-error to risk-repiton (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of His Honorable Tyranny from his-honorable-tyranny-2 to his-honorable-tyranny-genesis-genocide (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Moonslayer from moonslayer to moonslayer-lofam5a2 (thanks, Lilith!)
  • changed directory of Friendzone from friendzone-cofee-with-zebruh-codakk to friendzone-coffee-with-zebruh-codakk (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Wraith (Ludum Dare 28) from wraith to wraith-dare (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Seed (Ludum Dare 29) from seed to seed-dare (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Downbeat (Ludum Dare 32) from downbeat to downbeat-dare (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Nightlight (Ludum Dare 34) from nightlight to nightlight-dare (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Periphery (Ludum Dare 47) from periphery to periphery-dare (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Battle! (Wild Pokémon) - Pokémon Sun / Pokémon Moon from battle-wild-pokemon-sun-pokemon-moon-ssbu to battle-wild-pokemon-pokemon-sun-pokemon-moon-ssbu (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Underground Path from underground-path to underground-path-dwellers-empty-path
  • changed directory of sans. from sans-deltarune-ch2 to sans-ch2 (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of Oracle from oracle to oracle-unknown-diva
  • changed directory of Onett from onett-theme to onett (thanks, ruby!)
  • changed directory of Relic Song (Pokémon Black / Pokémon White) from relic-song-pokemon-black-2-white-2 to relic-song-pokemon-black-white (thanks, ruby!)
  • changed directory of WOAH! from woah to woah-chris (thanks, Lan!)
  • changed directory of avocado from avocado to avocado-canmt
  • changed directory of Takahiro Yamada from takahiro-yamada to takahiro-yamada-asian-kung-fu
Toggle Directorylog (Nintendo Music changes; thanks, ruby!)

- through the pitcher glass


data fixes

- Snow Pollen Appreciation Station

(news entry: Snow Pollen Appreciation Station)

site changes

  • completely new search feature, present at top of sidebar or page
    • runs completely in-browser, so queries never leave your device and are typically instantaneous after an initial automatic, couple-megabyte download
    • currently only matches exact words (no "stemming" yet), like putting quotation marks around every word in other search engines
    • search results include albums, tracks, artists, groups, flashes, and art tags
    • most queries require entering at least one word from the name of what you're looking for, with additional words filtering by artist, album, group, or art tags
    • keywords like "track", "album", "artist" etc filter final results to the specified kind
    • search results remain visible while navigating pages, disappear when dismissed; an active search generally collapses and deemphasizes other boxes in the sidebar though they can still be used like normal
  • chronology links (in track nav bar) now show "across this wiki", switches to "within this album" when clicked; always display even if an artist only has one contribution (across the wiki or album)
  • group links now show below track nav bar, not just album nav bar, when browser is narrow; just shows group name, no previous/next
  • dates in commentary entry headings are now aligned with the right edge (old, new)
  • "View additional files" line no longer lists entry names (old, new); section heading no longer shows number of files (old, new)
  • various improvements for sticky subheading, to help identify where you're scrolled to on a page: track subheadings don't double the track name; "tracks that reference/sample this one" headings show the group name; albums' track section headings show just the name, not duration; album commentary page shows "(album commentary)" for comemntary section of album itself
  • many, many internal improvements, as usual aiding data work and code debugging, serving as groundworks for upcoming features, cleaning up crustier code, and so on

bug fixes

  • fixed Artists - by Duration double-counting tracks where an artist is both "artist" and "contributor"
  • fixed Artists - by Group showing contribution counts across entire wiki, rather than within each group
  • fixed Tracks - by Date including tracks without dates (at bottom, and displaying as though from )
  • fixed "Sorting by date." - "Sorting by count." switcher showing on group contributions table when none of an artist's tracks have any duration
  • fixed italicized external link arrows in commentary headings (old, new)


other additions

data fixes

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog (13 changes)
  • changed directory of yeah it is from yeah-it-is to yeah-it-is-soundtrack
  • changed directory of Wanderlust from wanderlust-canmt to wanderlust-redditstuck
  • changed directory of Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes from stable-time-loops-and-paradoxes to stlap
  • changed directory of ~~Disc 1~~ from disc-1-stlap to disc1-stlap
  • changed directory of ~~Disc 2~~ from disc-2-stlap to disc2-stlap
  • changed directory of ~~Disc 3~~ from disc-3-stlap to disc3-stlap
  • changed directory of ~~Disc 4~~ from disc-4-stlap to disc4-stlap
  • changed directory of Rematch from rematch-paradox-music-team to rematch-strider-mixtape
  • changed directory of Snowfall from snowfall-paradox-music-team to snowfall-stlap3
  • changed directory of The Dreamer and the Dream from the-dreamer-and-the-dream to the-dreamer-and-the-dream-lofam5
  • changed directory of Vexation from vexation to vexation-paradox-music-team
  • changed directory of A Song About a Circle Constant from a-song-about-a-circle-constant-jan-misali to a-song-about-a-circle-constant-entertaining-sound
  • changed directory of Ava - Original Soundtrack from ava to ava-original-soundtrack

- midmay mayhem


data fixes

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog (2 changes)
  • changed directory of Game Over from game-over-earthbound-halloween-hack to game-over-ebhh
  • changed directory of Megalovania from megalovania-halloween to megalovania-ebhh

- Allan, if you would


data fixes

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog (3 changes)

- Let's Make This a Thing

(news entry: Let's Make This a Thing)

site changes

  • completely new "additional names" feature, see below; present only on track pages, just initially, but easy to expand to other pages later; displays when page title heading clicked; automatically shared between rereleases
  • artist external links, previously inline icons, are now displayed in a "wiki tooltip", displaying when hovered with a pointer or when tapped; these show the platform icon as well as aliases/handles or domain names, where relevant (old, new)
  • redesign for appearance of commentary entries, more clearly marking beginning of each new entry, linking to the writing artist, and italicizing annotation rather than artist (old, new)
  • cover art is almost wholly redesigned, with many stylistic changes; artworks are now very slightly rounded, the background area in main cover arts is colored "deeper", art tags are redesigned and conjoined with the artwork box, and shadows, borders, and secondary effects are generally revisited and touched up (old, new)
  • artworks with content warnings (aka "reveals") are also redesigned, showing warning list more clearly, displaying a warning symbol instead of the abbreviation "cw:", and generally indicating its action more clearly before it's actually revealed (main art: old, new; gallery: old, new)
  • adjustments and additions for album commentary page: shows listening links for tracks and album alike, which open in new tab, for background listening while reading; gets the same commentary entry design as info pages; generally has a wider layout with less padding, to fit wider lines and larger artworks while still giving a focused view; info line counts number of commentary entries, rather than number of tracks with commentary, and has more accurate word count; other minor aesthetic tweaks, e.g. album commentary entry reads album name instead of just "Album commentary", slight shadow / "raised" effect on artworks (old, new)
  • improvements for "also released as" list: more compact wording, always shows year of release, with tooltip including full date of release and relative time earlier or later than the current track (old, new; tooltip)
  • group info page now shows year of each album's release, with tooltip including full date of release (example); and, in "from other group" info, always displays groups from a different top-level category than the current group, and will show multiple groups of the same category (example 1, example 2)
  • artist info page now shows commentary entry annotations in commentary list (old, new)
  • track info page now shows list of sampled tracks immediately beneath list of referenced tracks, instead of after list of tracks that reference (old, new)
  • album info page now displays zero durations, "_:__", with a faded-out appearance and tooltip (old, new), and foregoes duration info altogether if every track in the album has zero duration (old, new)
  • art tag gallery page now shows illustrator info, just like album gallery
  • group infoboxes (and secondary nav) on album page now match sorting order of group gallery page, fixing navigation inconsistencies when multiple albums are released on the same day
  • improvements for "shorthand" names in artwork tag lists: previously shorthands would always be used (e.g. Meimona instead of Meimona (Oceanfalls)), now this is only the case when the shorthand name isn't ambiguous with another tag (old, new); when a shorthand name is used, a wiki tooltip now presents the full name (example)
  • track lyrics are now inherited from original release, avoiding accidental variations
  • news entry page gets previous and next links at bottom, including date of the linked news entry as well as, in a tooltip, how much earlier or later it was posted compared to the current entry (example)
  • various improvements for layout responsiveness, especially when slightly adjusting browser window size: nav bar generally performs better word wrapping; on album pages, very long artist lists wrap earlier than track names (old, new)
  • added support for image content warnings in commentary (e.g. Walls Covered In Blood original artwork, Light Burns Out (Gestalt) WIPs)
  • practically endless internal changes, both as groundworks for new and future features, and improvements for anyone working on data files locally

bug fixes

  • fixed rereleases being counted in artist per-group duration info (old, new)
  • removed tracks which aren't dated from artist chronology links, so most an artist's recently dated track doesn't have "next" link leading into dateless tracks (old, new)
  • fixed album YouTube video links displaying as "full album" when the album includes only a single track
  • fixed artists being credited as both "artist" and "contributor" on a track, with an annotation only on the latter, being mispresented as only contributing that part, by hiding annotation altogether (old, new)


additional names

other additions

data fixes

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog (102+ changes)

- directories upon directories

directory changes

Toggle Directorylog (155+ changes)

data fixes

- patchin' it up

data fixes

- crystal hung in firmament's descent

(news entry: crystal hung in firmament's descent)

site changes

  • redesigned album commentary page to have a sticky sidebar for navigating tracks, as well as track artworks; check out Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2, Beforus and Homestuck Vol. 10 for some examples
  • added album covers to album gallery page (instead of just track covers), as well as a secondary navigation bar for jumping to gallery for the next or previous album in a group
  • added "stub" album gallery pages, for albums without any track art; you'll probably only come across these while navigating with nav links from another gallery
  • added flash act pages, showing a gallery of all the flashes exclusive to one flash! also reworked the sidebar to include these in a cleaner manner - one box with the current act and its flashes, second with all the acts on the site, further sectioned by "disc"
  • replaced the old "choose another group to filter by" link on group gallery pages (only!), as well as the "previous/next" links in the nav bar, with links in the secondary nav; this will only show up if the screen is too thin to fit the sidebar, and is accessible on both group gallery and info pages. clicking the category name (e.g. "Fan-musician groups") returns to the Groups - by Category listing, like before


other additions

data fixes

- the fixes are IN

bug fixes

  • fixed "Random" link in album and track nav bars not working

data changes

  • added "(wiki editor)", "(team manager)", and similar annotations to various commentary across the wiki
  • added Block Monster, leo60228, and Terepy Pipes artist pages

data & media fixes

- jerry's theme for deltarune ch. 7

other additions

data fixes

- after2party cleanup

bug fixes

data fixes

- afterparty cleanup

other additions

data fixes

- Yo Quiero la Homestuck

(news entry: Yo Quiero la Homestuck)


other additions

data fixes

- maintenance, mayhaps

other additions

data changes

data fixes

- Iridescent Noon

(news entry: Iridescent Noon)

site changes

  • major rework of how each website page's contents are generated, making it way easier to prototype new features or test changes, and allowing for better stability as code internals are expanded or updated
  • album & track pages:
    • moved "Listen on" links closer to the top, above "extra" links (like "View gallery page" or "View additional files")
    • in cover art tag lists, for tags which come from a story besides Homestuck (such as Five (Oceanfalls) or Kate (Desynced)), hid the part in parentheses (it's still displayed on tag pages)
    • adjusted the wording for "extras" links to be more consistent, e.g. "View additional files:" instead of "Additional files:", and combined gallery and commentary links into one line when they're both present
    • tweaked the way quotes contained within commentary look to be more compact and easier to follow
    • made commentary images load large thumbnails by default (up to 800x800) instead of the source image, which is still available on click
  • track info pages:
    • made the names of groups in divided track lists ("Tracks that reference..." and "Tracks that sample...") into actual links to those groups
    • when a track doesn't have unique artwork and displays its album's cover instead, the album cover's art tags are now linked the same as on the album's own page
    • when a track's album is part of more than one group, changed the dividing line between each group in the sidebar from bold white to the same dotted color as other borders on the page (old, new)
    • updated the message displayed when there aren't any links for a track
      • old: "This track has no URLs at which it can be listened."
      • new: "This wiki doesn't have any listening links for Shave and a Haircut."
  • album gallery pages:
    • added cover artist credits beneath the name of each track, in a slightly dimmer and smaller font
    • if an album's track artworks are all by the same artist, a message is displayed at the top instead of having e.g. "(Illust. Homestuck)" under every track name
  • artist info pages:
    • replaced the old group contribution info line with a cleaner, more detailed view that lets you toggle between displaying count or duration
    • for artworks, each contribution to an album's "layout" - cover, wallpaper, and banner - is now counted as a unique artwork, instead of combining them into one (this applies for listings as well)
  • artist gallery pages:
    • added co-illustrator info when a track or album's artwork has mulitple contributors
  • news entry pages:
    • removed news entry date from the nav bar
  • listings:

bug fixes

  • once again fixed the way art tag galleries are sorted
    • tracks in the same album retain their original order, instead of the reverse
    • album covers show up at the front, before tracks from the same album, instead of after
    • tracks from albums without a date (such as Unreleased Tracks) are sorted at the end of the gallery, instead of always showing at the start before any recently released artworks
  • cleaned up some messy spacing on track and album pages around artist link icons
  • allowed line breaks inside "Contributors:" lists, so extremely wide descriptions (such as Rah-Bop's in Hiveswap Act 1) don't break the page layout
  • added some padding to the sticky heading's title box, so it doesn't contact the main cover art anymore
  • fixed flashes Hiveswap Act 1 and Hiveswap Act 2 showing the whole list of "Side 2" acts from Homestuck proper in the sidebar
  • fixed the "Previous" and "Next" links in flash page's nav bar linking to the chronologically adjacent flashes, instead of following the order in the sidebar


other additions

data changes

data fixes

- moderately belated maintenance

bug fixes

  • fixed direct links to URLs with spaces in 'em all being 404s, e.g. the listen link for Where making this hapen, due to misplaced URL encoding

data fixes

- doctor commentary AMA


- sburban jungle touch-up


- rainy day repairs


data fixes

bug fixes

  • fixed a number of issues with "latest first" chronological sorting
    • this mainly means artists' cover gallery pages are sorted properly, again (they've been broken so many times)
    • main new change: "latest first" chronological sorts still keep dateless items, such as tracks under Additional Tracks, at the end of the list, as intended
  • fixed chronologically sorting flashes moving flashes released on the same day out of place with each other
  • fixed cover art in "sticky" page heading having gone totally missing!
    • this was a code error introduced in early March - it was supposed to only make cover art with content warnings show up in the sticky heading after the main cover was revealed by the user clicking on it, but accidentally made all covers with art tags be hidden from the heading instead, oops

- media mismatch remedial

data & media fixes

- happy birthday nannasprite

(news entry: happy birthday nannasprite)


other additions

data changes

data fixes

- Track Doctor2


data changes

data fixes

- Track Doctor

site changes

  • new sheet music & MIDI/project file sections on track pages
  • high resolution artworks brought to the entire Official Discography and many Fandom albums!
  • new image overlay feature: a large preview of track or album artwork shows up when you click 'em, giving a focused view instead of leaving the page!
    • this is a high resolution compressed version of the original art; since highest-resolution artwork files can sometimes be pretty huge (e.g. 40 MB+), these are now accessible behind a "view original" link
  • miscellaneous site polish and improvements
    • listing pages now link to each other from the main content area for quicker navigation, especially on mobile; sections for listings of the same kind of thing and for related listings of another kind of thing
    • more skippers when navigating using tab: jump to any section of most pages right from the skipper bar
    • miscellaneous styling polish, including stabilized wallpaper dimensions on dynamic-dimensions viewports (e.g. mobile Safari with shrinking location bar), showing sticky heading above cover art on mobile / very thin displays, and minor bug fixes


other additions

data changes

data fixes

- Feferi's Theme

site changes

  • selected albums for the homepage carousel by hand instead of just pulling the latest official discography releases
    • meant to do this before the new year's release but it totally slipped one developer's mind, please forgive <3<3<3


data changes

data fixes

- picking up the ball

site changes

  • slightly tweaked the homepage album selection

data fixes

- Ball Drop '23

(news entry: Ball Drop '23)

site changes

  • major restructure of all internal data structures as well as data file format, laying foundations for all following changes and additions to wiki features and lending much better to interoperability with outside code and internal data validation and error reporting
    • improved automatic data error reporting lead to many dozens of diverse data issues that had previously slipped by getting fixed this update, much improving overall wiki quality and raising the baseline level of data consistency
  • new Additional Files feature added, including downloadable album booklets and other goodies, present across many official albums: Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead, Homestuck Vol. 4, Homestuck Vol. 5, Alternia, Squiddles!, Strife!, AlterniaBound, Homestuck Vol. 7: At the Price of Oblivion, Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido, Sburb, The Wanderers, Homestuck Vol. 8, coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A, coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B, Homestuck Vol. 9, Symphony Impossible to Play, One Year Older, Cherubim, and Homestuck Vol. 10
    • includes all booklets and resources released with official albums that aren't included in downloads from the recent (2019) official Homestuck Bandcamp restructure
    • files from solo re-releases are included and shared publicly on the wiki with permission from their original artists
    • includes unedited versions of Bandcamp banners and backgrounds used throughout the wiki
    • includes a few wallpapers and sheet music shared separately by the creators
  • page headers, such as the main titles of albums and tracks, are now styled to be "sticky" - they follow the page scroll stuck to the top of the screen so you can always identify what page you're viewing at a glance
  • new metadata for "social embeds" included on all album and track pages, making nice modals appear when linking to HSMusic from sites like Discord or... like... Facebook
  • metadata for the page "theme color" makes elements of some web browsers subtly take on the color of the page (Safari and mobile)
  • support added for uncompressed PNG album and track artworks
    • these don't replace the compressed jpeg thumbnails, but when you click art to view it in full, you'll get its lossless PNG format when available
    • mostly newly added albums for now, but more official and fandom artwork will be brought over soon
  • support added for albums which don't have cover art at all, as seen in new albums from Additional Tracks and some releases from the community
  • listing changes:
  • "Tracks that reference..." lists are now grouped by Beyond and Additional Tracks as well, instead of grouping everything that's not an official Homestuck track under Fandom
  • re-release tracks (such as Black from Homestuck Vol. 1-4) are no longer displayed in "Tracks that reference" lists
  • though not all art has been ported yet, many albums and tracks (including most new ones) now have full resolution PNG artwork, accessible by clicking the cover art (thumbnails are still downscaled JPEGs to reduce data usage when generally browsing the wiki), as well as PNG banner and backgrounds where applicable
  • "short name" for the wiki changed has been chagned from "HSMusic" to "HSMusic Wiki" - this shows up in browser tab titles, the site navigation bar, and social embeds like Discord
  • homepage content entirely redesigned, with new "carousel" element showing off the official discography and a larger hand-picked selection of albums added in this update
  • Unreleased Tracks has been completely reorganized, with many tracks having been moved to new organizational albums More Homestuck Fandom and References Beyond Homestuck, all collected under new Additional Tracks group
  • new internal features which generalize behavior originally hard-coded for Unreleased Tracks, letting new albums make use of some or all desired features:
    • internal support for albums which don't have release dates (these get sorted to the end on artist pages and are excluded from chronology links)
    • new "Has Track Numbers" field on albums which switches between the default <ol> and unordered <ul> list displays for track lists
  • slight appearance polish to various elements across the site


other additions

data changes

data fixes

data changes

bug fixes

  • fixed domain-local URLs crashing a build (i.e. support for updated archive links)
  • fixed re-release track links never text wrapping, messing up layout on pages such as Three in the Morning
  • fixed flash art for [S][A6I3] ==> (may take a while to load)

data changes

data changes

data changes

bug fixes

  • fixed artist pages and chronology links always ordering artworks by a track's release date rather than accounting for later art additions (e.g. anthology projects for Homestuck Vol. 5, AlterniaBound, Beyond Canon)

data changes

data changes

data changes

- Wiki Finalization

(news entry: Wiki Finalization)

site changes

  • adjusted phrasing on footer and homepage rows to better reflect the wiki in its essentially finalized state

data changes

- June Attuned

(news entry: June Attuned)

site changes

  • updated CSS styling code to improve site layout on mobile devices
    • album/track cover art now displays at full width on thin screens, placing main page content beneath (with wider text area)
    • nav bar now displays as a single column of info rows on thin screens, rather than attempting to show track name and artist chronology links side-by-side
    • general CSS fixes should help with layout bugs

album pages

  • added fallback "Track list" track group when an album isn't divided into groups, ensuring the sidebar track list always defaults to collapsed

group pages

  • added "from (group)" accent text on group info page next to albums which are part of more than one group
  • made sections of group page sidebar collapsible/expandable (like album sidebar)

tag pages

  • made cover arts sort by reverse chronological order, placing recent releases near the top

internal changes

  • divided much of 6000-line site generation file upd8.js into a number of smaller, better-organized files
  • separated each page generation function into its own module, reducing redundant maintenance, supporting future uses of these modules, and making the codebase a lot easier to navigate and build upon
  • begun work on experimental "Thing" class-based (OOP) objects, aiming for better interfacing with objects and to support neat extensible ways of working with objects, data loading, and page generation in the future

data changes

- tMEWIARBu next-day patch

site changes

  • made the primary color of a page "bleed" into its backdrop area, subtly tinting pages across the site
  • removed the backdrop-filter CSS effect, which previously would the wallpaper behind the page container to create a "glossy glass" effect, but isn't suported consistently across browsers yet

data changes

- the my ex-wife is a real bitch update

(news entry: the my ex-wife is a real bitch update)

site changes

  • a whole variety of updates and improvements to album sidebars:
    • got rid of the right-hand sidebar, as it was taking up considerable horizontal space; with the new free space, album and track art is featured at a much larger size, as originally intended (same for lyrics, commentary, etc!)
    • moved the group boxes that were on the right into the left-sidebar, above the track list on album pages and in a newly compressed view beneath the track list on track pages
    • made the track group headings collapsible/openable ("accordion" layout using <details> elements), so any track can easily be visited from any other track in the same album
    • made track groups default to all collapsed on the album page, since a view of all the track groups in full is visible in the main content area (as before), and the collapsed overview makes it easier to quickly jump to tracks in any section
    • much thanks to Niklink, for the general proposal of making more room for album art as well as miscellaneous feedback, and megatti, for suggesting the combined group view on track pages!
  • banner dimensions are now specified in album data files and included as part of HTML, keeping the layout on album pages with banners from flickering or shifting on slower connections
  • a bunch more internal changes:
    • began breaking the colossal single source file for the entire site build process into a number of more focused modules, making the codebase as a whole easier to work with; more work to be done here in the future
    • rewrote the entire inline parser and transformer for all text content on the site, using a new manual parsing method (rather than pure regexes) which supports nested tags but is still just as performant operating on huge amounts of data
      • this will basically enable support for more complex templating down the line, as well as accessing localization strings inside of content areas (like static pages, album commentary, artist contributions, and more)
    • JSON data files are now generated for albums and artists as well, although these aren't used anywhere on the site yet, and the data format is subject to change with more brainstorming


data changes

- album links on tag pages fix

bug fixes

  • fixed links to album cover art featuring characters on tag pages being broken (thanks, Megatti!)

- solo albums aplenty

(news entry: Solo Albums Aplenty)

site changes

  • added per-album banners, as a compliment to wallpapers (from February)
    • currently only show up on album index pages, not track pages, since they can push the content pretty far down
    • thanks to Niklink for helping archive and double-check these!
  • made background for the content area a glossy, rather than solid, gray; particularly notable on albums with custom wallpapers
  • removed Psycholonials row from homepage and replaced New Releases with New Additions, a new type of row showing a diverse selection of the latest albums to be added to the wiki
  • added data files for tracks, accessible at /data/track/<directory>/data.json ("directory" means the name of the track as it shows up in permalink URLs, e.g. bl1nd-just1c3-1nv3st1g4t1on)
    • will be extended to albums, artists, etc soon!
    • can be accessed from external programs via HTTP request
    • will probably also exist as a complete package download for offline use, though this hasn't been done yet
  • internal changes as foundations for future updates
    • tweaks and improvements to the CLI site build tool
    • made the URL/path system generally less complex (and accidentally spent way too long on this!)
    • more translation additions and brainstorming for how to work them into more of the site
    • implemented the basic design and functionality for info (hover) cards, which are functional but not quite complete and will show up in a release soon
      • you can try them out by setting localStorage.tryInfoCards = true in your browser console!
      • only implemented for tracks so far; make use of the data files described above


album pages

  • added banners to album index pages, as mentioned and listed in site changes and data changes sections, respectively
  • added new line showing the date the album was added to the wiki near the end of the page (below track listing and above artist commentary)

artist pages

  • added an info line showing which groups an artist has contributed tracks and art under

data changes

bug fixes

  • fixed artist pages no longer sorting tracks according to their original release date (e.g. on tempest2k, tracks from [INHOSPITABLE DELISTED] were being sorted according to the album rerelease in 2021, rather than the original track releases in 2017)
  • fixed sidebar of Unreleased Tracks all being one color, instead of applying distinguishing colors for each track group (thanks, foreverFlummoxed!)
  • fixed a few dates at the end of the changelog being formatted inconsistently with the rest of the wiki

- "random" link fixes

bug fixes

  • fixed "random" links (e.g. on album pages and Random Pages listing) redirecting to "undefined" URLs instead of the appropriate type directory (track, group, etc)

- translation & renovation

(news entry: Translation & Renovation)

site changes

  • translation/localization support:
    • nearly all static text on the wiki has been replaced with strings specified in a plain JSON file
    • default language for a wiki is generated at the root directory (/) as usual; new languages are in subdirectory (e.g. "/jp/album/diverging-delicacies")
    • no languages are newly supported yet, but the localization system is totally tested; see the news entry for details on contributing translations!
  • thumbnail support:
    • small images (250x250) are used in grids (on homepage, album/artist galleries, etc)
    • medium images (400x400) are used on pages with larger cover art (individual track/album pages, etc)
    • full-size images (usually 600x600-1200x1200, pulled from public bandcamp listings) are no longer embedded at all, but can still be viewed by clicking on cover arts to zoom in
    • previously, every image on the site was full-size! this was particularly terrible for people with slow connections or limited bandwidths
    • example stats: download size of scrolling entire homepage reduced from 3.8mb to 0.6mb
  • internal renovation across build file:
    • (before, after)
    • url system restructured:
      • link-related bugs are much harder to run into
      • link references in content (e.g. "[[album:foo-bar]]") are modularized and can more easily link to anywhere across the wiki
      • codebase forks can easily adjust url specification to move parts of the site to different paths (though this isn't yet possible via data file)
      • site build time is significantly reduced (since there are far fewer redundant calls to path.relative)
    • page write functions restructured
      • data required during a page write is gathered once, and then reused across all languages that page is built in, significantly reducing build time across multiple languages
      • writePage itself is broken into a few different chunks, which can be referenced individually when needed
      • changes tie nicely into url system restructure as well
    • shared data variables and functions organized and tidied for simpler access across code
    • miscellaneous arguments and specifications across code have been restructured to prefer explicit description before unnecessarily compact formats
      • this has the side-effect of making a fair amount of the build logic simpler!
    • significantly expanded data validation which happens before any site pages are written


  • besides additions for Psycholonials, no new music shared on the wiki this month, as translation and renovation changes took an especially long time to design and implement

artist pages

  • added total duration of music contributed to an album next to the album date
  • display "cover art" and "wallpaper art" lines at the top of an album art contribution list, rather than at the bottom (this had been an accidental code error)
  • display flash/game date range next to the "act" (or flash group label), rather than showing every date next to each flash, to make this section much visually cleaner
  • removed "Featured in" links, since these were taking up a lot of visual space

commentary pages

  • cleaned commentary index layout and strings (e.g. before: "19/20 entries; 8.4k words", after: "8.4k words across 19 entries")

track pages

  • reference list is only divided into "fandom" and "official" if a group with directory "official" is present in the first place
    • this is essentially hard-coded, but is a quick and simple fix for all references on wikis without the concept displaying as "fandom" references


data changes

- retrace, retexture

(news entry: Retrace, Retexture)

site changes

  • added per-album wallpapers
    • many albums have these, e.g. Homestuck Vol. 5; check "data changes" section for full list
    • archive and restore the original presentation of album releases while still keeping a unified design across the whole wiki
    • much thanks to Niklink for help collecting and editing these, as well as originally suggesting this feature in December; as well as to the rest of the Discord community for suggestions and feedback!
  • added per-album commentary pages
    • no-distraction, complete collections of all commentary for each album, divided by track
    • based upon and replaces the old "All Commentary" listing, which was always too long for its own good
    • e.g. Genesis Frog, Land of Fans and Music 4
  • added distinct news entry pages
    • much like "All Commentary", a solitary news page would quickly become unwieldy for most browsers!
    • news index now shows headings and short passages instead
  • added footer to all pages of the site
    • contains feedback and donate links for now; this is totally customizable (see below!)
  • added Psycholonials row to homepage
    • will be updated as new chapters are released, in independent updates from the main coming March/April releases
    • no information for tracks currently unreleased, but we'll revisit this when all chapters and the full soundtrack have been released
  • many, many internal changes
    • almost all content across the wiki is now totally dynamic; e.g, wiki name and color scheme are stored in a data file
    • static pages like Changelog and Donate are no longer hard-coded and can be added or removed without editing the wiki code
    • homepage rows can also be customized; while there's only one type of row available currently (albums from list or group and optionally action links), the foundations are there to add more in the future
    • most site features, e.g. Flashes & Games, Listings, and News, can now be selectively enabled and disabled
    • a variety of changes to the internal text transformer, making longform text in data files (e.g. commentary, lyrics, static pages) much easier to read and write
    • code and data repositories have been separated (media as well, but it's not pushed online anywhere yet); CLI tool for actually building the site has been updated accordingly
    • all these changes are in service of making running your own wiki off the same codebase accessible and powerful; there's still much to be done before it's totally ready, though



  • as detailed in "site change" section, removed the "All Commentary" listing, replacing it with individual per-album commentary pages
  • there is a new and refined Commentary index though!

data changes

bug fixes

- traversing fandom

(news entry: Traversing Fandom)

site changes

  • added wallpaper and refined site layout
    • the current wallpaper is pulled from More from Homestuck and might be changed or expanded upon in future updates
    • a margin has been applied to the whole site layout, centering content to better visually balance it
    • "skip to content" and "skip to sidebar" buttons have been added, and show up when navigating using the tab key
  • tweaked the homepage with updated links, e.g. to new Discord and Donate pages, and updated wording across existing info pages



  • new feature! groups are collections of fan albums, organized under a dedicated page for an external group or project.
  • groups exist in three categories: HSMusic, Fan-musician groups, and Projects beyond Homestuck
  • groups each have two "tabs" or views: Info and Gallery
    • Info: this displays the full description for a group, and then a chronological list of albums (and their years of release)
    • Gallery: replacing the previously dedicated pages for official and fandom albums, this displays a list of albums organized with their latest first, and has a short info line summarizing stats about the group
  • miniature group "infoboxes" are displayed on the right side of album and track pages
    • this design (alongside much of this update's layout changes) is inspired by the site layout of Bandcamp
    • contains a short catchline introducing the group, links to visit the external homes of the group (e.g. its own Bandcamp or project links), and chronology links to navigate the previous and next albums within the group
    • displayed at the bottom of the page in compact layout (e.g. when on a mobile device)

artist pages

  • every artist who has contributed track or album cover art, e.g. Elanor Pam, now has a gallery page; these are much the same as tag gallery pages but for artists

track pages

  • YouTube links for individual tracks no longer attach their playlist, because this was deemed Mostly Just Impractical in discussion


data changes

- launch of

(news entry: Launch of!)

site changes

  • redesigned the homepage from the ground up to be a better landing page for the wiki!
    • three groupings for the wiki index: New Releases, Fandom, Official, showing just a few so it's easy to navigate, with new buttons to view a complete grid listing
    • moved the "Explore the site!" links over to the newly wiki-wide header, placing albums front and center while leaving navigation links readily accessible
    • added a sidebar to the homepage, listing recent news entries parallel with albums
  • improved navigation all around the site, making the wiki as a whole more consistent
    • cover art displayed in grid items is smaller across the site, fitting more items on a screen at once and emphasizing the name more than before
    • on the new Official and Fandom album indexes, the number of tracks and length of the album is displayed as well
  • added lazy loading for images, so landing pages shouldn't take up nearly as much data, and will load quicker (especially noticeable for the Flashes & Games index!)
  • adjusted the styling for grouped listings (previously used only for Unreleased Tracks) as they become more common (see data changes section)
  • made links which require JavaScript only show up if JS is actually enabled


  • new feature! tags are used for two things: categorizing track art by character, and displaying content warnings.
  • added a tag list beneath most track and album arts describing characters in the image and linking to their gallery pages
  • added tag gallery pages under the Listings section, showing a grid of all the track and album covers which are tagged with that character
  • added content warnings for common triggers (alcohol, body horror, etc), blurring out the image and showing warning tags until it is clicked and revealed


track pages

  • made the index of the current track show next to the track name in the navbar
  • made the start and end indexes of each group show next to group names in the sidebar
  • divided the sidebar into groups for a bunch of albums (see data changes section)

bug fixes

  • fixed a bug where chronology links (e.g "413th track by Toby Fox") for track artists weren't being displayed anymore
  • fixed a bug where artists with zero contributions (e.g. only commentary) would display as "( c.)" instead of "(0 c.)" in artist listings
  • fixed a bug where flash names would always have the dot at the end of the name removed, instead of only when punctuation follows
  • fixed some bugs with release date code where the Artists - by Latest listing would not count unique dates of cover art contributions (e.g. in anthology projects where fanart is added after the release of the album), and where the cover art release date displayed on album pages was ambiguous (previously it displayed the date of track art for the whole album; now it displays - or, if it is the same as album release, does not display - the date of cover art for the album itself)
  • fixed a bug on artist pages where tracks that are featured in more than one flash would display flashes past the first feature as "1", "2", "3", etc, instead of the actual flash names
  • fixed a bug on artist pages where co-artists of tracks (but not track art) weren't being displayed anymore
  • fixed a bug where the random official album link in the Random Pages listing would instead open a random track across the whole site
  • made all the links on the Random Pages listing behave more like regular links (ctrl-click works for example)

data changes

- autumnal polish haul

new features

  • artist links will now have icons to jump directly to their personal websites most places they're linked

flash pages

  • moved the "tracks featured in" section above the "contributors" section, since the contributor list gets quite long in some cases
  • plus a variety of additions, see data changes section

data changes

- recompose, refine

new features

data changes


  • reworked the way pages are generated to fix random buttons not working
  • changed the date format from "YYYY-MM-DD" (e.g. 2009-04-13) to "day, month name, year" (13 April 2009), as i meant to last update
  • changed the "and more to be added soon" text at the bottom of the fandom album list to "and more to be added at your request", and linked it to the feedback page
  • made track links on the changelog page color-coded
  • made album links everywhere color-coded, too
  • tweaked some margin styling so grouped lists should look better all around the site

later-in-day patch

- happy birthday karkat


flash pages

  • flash pages now have links at which they can be listened, besides just on! most importantly: links to HD recordings, so they can be watched at good resolution on any device

track pages

  • previously, all tracks required a URL to be added to the wiki; now, for tracks which don't have any links to be listened at online (but are still referenced by other tracks), they have been added alongside a message saying there aren't any listening links
  • as such, another full pass through NSND has been completed, and many tracks which weren't present on the wiki before have been added to the newly reorganized Unreleased Tracks album!


  • the All Commentary listing page has been tweaked so that links in commentary will follow the color of the album the commentary is from
  • the listing index shows its list in the main content area now too, for when the sidebar is collapsed (see below!)


  • a new navigation header added to every album, track, flash, and listing page, making the site considerably more usable on any device
  • the header has links to the previous and next (or random) track/flash, and chronology links have been moved into the header too, so you don't need to scroll to the bottom of the page to access them
  • on top of redoing the sidebar-header layout, changes to styling (collapsing the sidebar when the screen isn't very wide, for example) have made the site usable on mobile devices now!
  • also, some changes to the way pages are generated, to make the site usable from hit command-line web browser Lynx

- track art for beyond canon

- albums, artists, and urls


  • another four new fandom albums! SBURB OST, Beforus, Strife 2, Perfectly Generic Album
  • the entire homepage has been restructured, placing official albums from the music team for Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon front and center, and generally adding flare to the rest of the page too
  • a <meta> tag has been added to the homepage, so hsmusic's search result that comes up when you look up "homestuck music wiki" is a lot prettier

album pages

  • links to listen to the full album have finally been added to album pages, including bandcamp as well as youtube links (both full album and playlist) wherever available
  • chronology links now contain credits for cover artists, so they'll show up on album pages too

track pages

flash pages

  • chronology links have been added to flash pages too!

artist pages

  • artist pages - both musicians and cover artists - now have links to explore their work outside of homestuck
  • many, many artists whose names are either typo'd or out of date or otherwise duplicate have been updated, making artist pages a considerably more reliable resource than they were before
  • behind the scenes, lots of code changes to make accidentally typo'd or duplicate artist names much more difficult

- chronology links

  • "chronology links" have been added to the bottom of the sidebar on track pages
  • these let you follow through the history of an artist's contributions without having to navigate back and forth between their own artist page

- beyond canon

  • the new official album Beyond Canon has been transcribed! pretty minimal commentary and no track art, as yet.
  • pages for the routes of Hiveswap: Friendsim and Pesterquest were added to the Flashes page!
  • the new "flash" pages contain full credits for their authors and asset artists, and these can be explored like any other link

- typo fixes from foreverFlummoxed

  • per foreverFlummoxed's excellent page-checking, a bunch of typos and missing track art around the site have been fixed!

- more sburb commentary

  • the Sburb solo album was rereleased by its artist, so Bandcamp links have been copied to its track pages, as have the new commentary released with it

- Land of Fans and Music (and References and Randomness and Art and Also Some Other Stuff)


  • four new albums archived (and their booklets transcribed): Land of Fans and Music, Land of Fans and Music 2, Land of Fans and Music 3, and Land of Fans and Music 4
  • (the commentary booklets transcribed here are hilarious and very insightful and there are a bunch of easter eggs - check them out!)
  • another new "album", Unreleased Tracks, containing tracks which were never released but were either referenced in released tracks or included in flash animations
  • the text of the link to the feedback page has been changed from "Feedback" to "Feedback & Suggestions"


  • two new listings: Tracks - by Times Referenced and Random Pages
  • if you're bored and don't know here to start exploring, the Random Pages listing has a bunch of links that will decide for you! (it does require JavaScript, though)

album/track pages

  • these got their share of randomness too, in the form of a new "Random Track" link at the bottom of the sidebar
  • cover art can now have a distinct release date from the album, which is the case for anthology projects that organize art for an album after it has been released

artist pages

  • track credit listings already showed collaborators in contribution lines; now cover art credits do too, e.g. the page for Mika B..


- embracing fanon


  • the homepage is now split into two sections: "Fandom" and "Official"
  • only one fandom album now, Diverging Delicacies, but more to come soon
  • the official album grid listing was changed to sort the newest releases closest to the top of the page, as bandcamp orders releases, to keep consistent with the fandom grid listing (where we want new releases to stand out right away)

track pages

  • the "tracks that referenced" list is now grouped into two sections: official and fandom


  • a CSS change targeting the homepage inadvertently made the headings on the flash index look very fancy, and i kept this because it looks cool

- flash pages


  • link to the new Flashes index page

flash pages

  • an individual page for each flash, and a new grid-style index (like the homepage) to collect them all, grouped by act
  • each flash gets its own unique thumbnail (except A6I4 flashes, please forgive me troll clown jegus)
  • every flash page has a link to play the flash on, its page number, release date, and a list of the tracks featured in it
  • the code to generate sidebar was absolute hell to write
  • jadevris

track pages

  • a track's page will list the flashes in which it's been referenced, e.g. Elevatorstuck

artist pages

  • within the list of tracks an artist has contributed music to, if that track has been featured in any flashes, those will be listed on the track's contribution line


  • switched a couple artist names around, for consistency with credits in the latest release (Homestuck Vol. 10)
  • added a new Feedback page, with links to contact me; this is also linked from the homepage

- commentary for Sburb

  • copied commentary for the Sburb album, per descriptions of the YouTube videos

- commentary for [S] Collide.

  • copied commentary from James Roach on twitter about his contributions to the [S] Collide. album

- commentary & lyrics

- so many new pages

homepage / "About & Credits"

  • moved the intro message to a new About & Credits page
  • structured the site credits list more nicely there
  • added a new "Explore the site!" box on the homepage, linking to the about page as well as the new listings index


  • completely new pages for exploring the wiki in completely new ways; they serve as an alternative to writing a dynamic search engine, because github doesn't let us write a custom backend and client-side javascript sucks
  • all linked from listings index, accessible through the sidebar
  • there are nine of these but if you doubt i'm going to list them all, you're wrong
  • Albums - by Name: every album, sorted alphabetically
  • Albums - by Date: every album, sorted chronologically (at the time this was no different than the homepage grid listing's sort, but today it contains fandom albums interweaved with official ones)
  • Albums - by Tracks: every album, sorted by number of tracks
  • Artists - by Name: every artist, sorted by name (this also shows the number of contributions each artist has made next to their name)
  • Artists - by Commentary: every artist, sorted by number of commentary entries
  • Artists - by Contributions: every artist, sorted by number of contributions (times credited as a contributor, to music or art, on any track or album)
  • Tracks - by Name: every track, sorted alphabetically
  • Tracks - by Album: every track, grouped by album
  • Tracks - by Date: every track, grouped by release date

- grouped artist listings

  • artist page credit listings have been sigificantly restructured (before, after)
  • contributions are now grouped by album (or more specifically, by release date, which is noteworthy in the case of Homestuck Vol. 1-4, which was originally released over a period of four distinct dates, plus one for the final compiled album release)
  • because it's easy to see where tracks are referenced now, dim contribution lines (showing tracks which reference a track by the specific artist, but were not otherwise contributed to by them) have been removed
  • the lists aren't numbered anymore because, with this grouping, it was sort of ambiguous whether that referred to a track's position in the album or if it was a continuous counter of the artist's contributions (it was the latter); both such counters can now be displayed by holding still the cursor over a contribution line for a moment
  • removed a few referenced-track contributions i'd missed switching to the new format (distinct reference lists) earlier

- high-res cover art

  • copied cover art from this archive, which was originally compiled by clicking each cover art off the bandcamp to get a higher-resolution cover art (it is intentionally still less than the resolution gotten in purchased album downloads, for particularly high-res art)
  • commentary for Hiveswap Act 1 OST

- track references & commentary


  • got rid of the twitter link on my name and added two links in its place - my twitter and reddit accounts - as well as a note that suggestions and feedback are welcome

track pages

  • track references show up in a dedicated list now
  • forward-facing reference links: track pages list not just the tracks they reference, but the tracks which reference them
  • reference data is from NSND (credited on the homepage)
  • "listen on" links show up before the contributor list instead of after; reference list after contributor list
  • at the very bottom, a new section for artist commentary, largely copied from this pastebin

artist pages

  • added a message describing dim contribution lines: "Dim tracks are tracks that this artist contributed only a based-upon song to."
  • for tracks with multiple contributors, those are listed as well, e.g. "(with Michael Guy Bowman)"
  • note that this doesn't include "contributors" who only provided a referenced track, since those are now stored in a list separate from the contributors list
  • a new section for commentary
  • a "jump to" paragraph at the top, to quickly scroll to any of the track/art/commentary sections

- initial release

initial release of the website

  • published on github with code under the GPL; hosted on
  • advertised exclusively on reddit
  • (and maybe twitter but my account has long been deleted)


album pages

  • album name, release date, track listing, cover art & art credits
  • solo albums also show their artist

track pages

  • track name, release date, artists (musicians), cover art & art credits
  • links to listen to the track too (and code to convert URLs into human-readable site names, e.g. "YouTube" or "Bandcamp" or "(External)")
  • rudimentary leitmotif reference credits in the form of "Contributors" list
  • contributors list also contains credited collaborators on the track, e.g. producers, vocalists

artist pages

  • name, track and art credits
  • artist pages look quite different from today but serve the same purpose of listing their contributions
  • here's an example
  • credits are all in one numbered list; most are just the name of the track contributed to and the album it's from
  • for tracks where an artist made a specific contribution, that's mentioned too, e.g. "Sburban Countdown (arrangement)"
  • if a musician's contribution is simply a track which was referenced, the line for that contribution is slightly dim (it still contributes to the counter)
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